• 0.1

    Booth | EN-070
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | SOUTH KOREA

    Under the name 0.1, older sister 0 and younger sister 1 have worked collaboratively as an artist team since 2013. Based in Seoul, South Korea. We draw a image of children and make structures that contain pictures. Most our artwork made by a small amount of handwork system. For example, silkscreen print, small art-book, stationery, fabric object and so on. Since 2019, we have been working on a project named ‘Add to Cart’, too. ‘Add to Cart’ is a project group made by 0.1 and The Object that explores the keywords of ‘object’, ‘tradition’, and ‘collection’ through books in a variety of formats.

  • 16(Sixteen)

    Booth | EN-056
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    ギャラリースペースを持ち、スケートボードやUSカルチャーを中心としたアイテムや、国内外で厳選した本やZineを販売しているセレクトショップ。2017年渋谷にてオープン。TABFで来日した8BALLによる、参加型公開収録8BALL TVなどをはじめ、数々のイベントを行い、それに合わせたコラボレーション商品の販売も行ってきた。現在は世田谷区若林に移転。ギャラリースペースを活用した展示の開催や、常設のリソグラフプリンターを使用したワークショップも開催し、作品を製作する楽しさを伝える活動も行なっている。

  • 3FPJ editions

    Booth | EN-024
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | FRANCE

    Founded in 2010, the editions 3 Fois Par Jour (3FPJ) continue their run editorial, slaloming between traditional printed image, contemporary art and design, with the sole condition of technical and artistic freedom 3FPJ gives birth to publications at the frontiers of the graphic novel, the beautiful book, comic strip or original works in limited series.
    Drawing, monotype, painting, screen printing, risography: it’s about exploring without constraint, with an ever-renewed curiosity, contemporary publishing always with a manufactured part.

  • 888books

    Booth | EN-028
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • AL / KiKi inc.

    Booth | EN-035
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN



  • Allied Forces Press

    Booth | EN-046
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | USA

    Allied Forces Press is a collective publishing studio in Los Angeles, California. We focus on mixed media, short run artist publications, photo books, and our annual book, ALFA (the Allied Forces Annual). Our collaborators and contributors are from all over the world, and include: writers, illustrators, photographers, musicians, digital artists, graphic designers, and new media storytellers.

  • Anyway Friends

    Booth | EN-082
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    Anyway Friends is an artbook collective composed of Tokyo-based designers and photographers working together with Anyway Press. Founded in 2016, Anyway Press uses printed matter to explore concrete poetry and the impact of language on communication.


    Booth | EN-102
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • AVARIE / Labor Neunzehn

    Booth | EN-096
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | FRANCE / GERMANY

    Paris-Berlin based independent publisher, founded in 2012 by curator Giuliana Prucca, specializing in contemporary art books and exploring the relationship between texts and images. Its publications reflect an interest in the transversality of disciplines and in the subversive potential of the image to short-circuit the system of representation, as well as to question the classical form of the book by making it a place for experimentation. Since 2021, AVARIE collaborates with project space Labor Neunzehn at Kamera series, a screening program and exhibition of moving images and artists’ books.


    Booth | EN-043
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | EN-088
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | CHINA

    BANANAFISH BOOKS is an art book publisher and project-oriented space based in Shanghai, founded by designers Qing Zhou and Wei Guan. For years, Bananafish constantly advocated for the culture of independent publishing and risograph in China, and is also the organizer of UNFOLD Shanghai Art Book Fair.

  • banko archive design museum

    Booth | EN-006
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | EN-092
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    2021年の冬、やさしくパンチのあるものを作るという決意のもとに加納、霜田、ワカヤマの3人によって結成される。吉祥寺zineフェスティバル(2021年)を皮切りに活動を開始、東京アートブックフェア(2021年)においては、イラストレーターのONO-CHANとの合作 zine「たのしみブック」を制作。翌年には展示、『緊急!!!!!!!ケナガルモス(仮)についての研究発表会』を亀戸アートセンターにて開催。その後もzine制作を中心にイベント等へ出店し、やさしくパンチのあるzineを製作中。

  • Body&Forma

    Booth | EN-060
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | USA

    Body & Forma is an ongoing collaborative project based in Boston and New York, between graphic designers Chen Luo and Chuck Gonzales. Their work focuses on research, writing, and unlearning strategies that reevaluate and reconnect with cultural tradition. Chen proposes and demonstrates a new interplay of activities and interrogative exercise. Chuck examines domestic design traditions and especially the humor evident in both written and verbal communication. They have participated in multiple art book fairs and hosted workshops and lectures in the United States.

  • Bonchi Edition

    Booth | EN-066
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | EN-031
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    BOOK MARUTEは、四季折々の瀬戸内が見える古い倉庫街「北浜アリー」の中にあります。


    2017年に出版レーベル「Pilgrim」を立ち上げ、2019年には『 UDON PRESS』を立ち上げるなど自費出版のも力を入れています。

    台湾の台中にも姉妹店 緑光+BOOK MARÜTEがあります。


    Booth | EN-104
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    スープ・デザインからブートレグへと商号変更(2018年)を行う。デザイン事務所として雑誌、書籍、写真集などの本を中心に展覧会カタログ、CI・VI計画、ロゴ、広告などのデザインを手がける。併設したギャラリーでは主に出版した書籍や若手作家の企画展示を行う。出版ではジャンルに捉われず写真集や作品集、書籍などを発行。2021年4月に雑誌『tattva』を創刊。その他にも雑誌『ATLANTIS』、写真集・奥山由之『Girl』、2022年に中村桃子作品集『HOME』、竹中祥平写真集『air bug』を出版。

  • Brook Press / Musashino Art University Arts Policy and Management Department

    Booth | EN-084
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    武蔵野美術大学芸術文化学科は、芸術文化と社会をつなぐため、アートとデザインを基盤として、理論と実技の両輪から実践的に研究しています。この春、学科の印刷工房に導入したリソグラフ印刷機を用いて、小規模かつ実験的な出版活動を行うBrook Pressが始動しました。その最初のプロジェクトとして「生活とは何か」という問いを起点に、学生自ら執筆・編集・デザイン・印刷・製本した雑誌『PAN』をリリース。また、昨秋に開催したトタン彫刻家・吉雄介の30周年展のプロジェクトのカタログ・記録集なども頒布します。

  • by GASBOOK

    Booth | EN-063
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    世界のクリエイティビティを紹介すべく、アイデアを集める媒体として1996年に誕生したGASBOOK。これまでに、マイク・ミルズ、高橋盾、MADSAKI、吉田ユニ、YOSHIROTTENなどをフィーチャーし、今年は日本が世界に誇るグラフィックデザイナー・アーティストGUCCIMAZEのタイトルを発行。GASBOOKのパブリッシャー/クリエイティブコンサルタンシーとして活動するのはGASASINTERFACE。CALM&PUNK GALLERYとGASBON METABOLISMの運営も行っている。

  • colour bloc creativ | cbc press

    Booth | EN-054
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | USA

    colour bloc creativ is led by visual artist and serial creative, Lorenzo Diggins Jr. It functions as a design & production studio and art book publisher based in South Los Angeles. We also produce a bi-annual print publication, called “Find Peace. KeepPeace.” (FPKP Journal) which is essentially an exploration of inner peace through an artistic lens, and currently, the publication is distributed to some of the best shops nationwide.

  • crevasse

    Booth | EN-069
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • CYRO

    Booth | EN-047
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    2020年 石川県能美市のサロンの一角にあらたに併設したとても小さなフリースペース artbook photobook printなどの作品を少しずつお取り扱いしてます。社会・文化・コミュニティ・環境の中での自由と独立、その美しい表現の探求を行っております。作品の販売をはじめ、国内外のアーティスト・独立系出版社へのインタビューを独自に展開し、情報の発信だけにとどめず、制作者・表現者の思いを汲み、作品とともにアーカイブ化をすることを軸に活動をしております。

  • dienacht Publishing

    Booth | EN-059
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | GERMANY

    dienacht is a three-headed night creature:
    dienacht Publishing is an independent photobook publisher whose aim is to showcase carefully selected photographers through a limited circulation of beautifully produced books.
    dienacht Magazine is a printed Magazine for Photography, Design and Subculture which likes to see and publish strong, timeless photography.
    dienacht °Lab is an educational platform offering Photobook Workshops, ­Mentoring sessions and Curating of photography and photobook projects.

  • dokidokiclub

    Booth | EN-106
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | EN-004
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | EN-058
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    EDIT BY BODYは、編集者の内田洋介による出版スタジオです。独立系旅雑誌『LOCKET』は2023年10月末発売の第6号まで、延べ1万部を刊行。2023年5月にはイラストレーター/グラフィックデザイナーのYunosukeによる初作品集『FAR COAST』を発売し、即重版。ガリ版やシルクスクリーン、リソグラフ、天地小口三方染など印刷手法にも工夫を凝らしながら、身体的かつ実感的な出版活動に取り組んでいます。

  • Edition Taube

    Booth | EN-025
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | GERMANY

    – Edition Taube is an independent publishing house for contemporary art and publishes artists’ books and editions in small print runs.
    – Edition Taub was founded in 2009 by Jonas Beuchert, Tilman Schlevogt and Jan Steinbach and received the German Publishing Award in 2020 and its Grand Prix in 2022.
    – The cultural exchange and the dialogue with artists and recipients are central.


    Booth | EN-017
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    ELVIS PRESSは、名古屋のブックショップ&ギャラリー、ON READINGが2009年に立ち上げた出版レーベルです。アーティストたちの優れた作品を、「本」というかたちで、軽やかに紹介していきたいと考えております。

  • FancyshopDrivein

    Booth | EN-038
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    参加作家:宇田川直寛・菅野恒平・草野庸子・酒井 瑛作・長谷川 円・濵本 奏・古田直人・横田大輔・渡邊聖子

  • Flyingcake (Kazunari Hattori Inc.)

    Booth | EN-026
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • fruit hotel taipei

    Booth | EN-091
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | TAIWAN

    a small weekend project curated with our artist friends from the universe. アーティストの作品とプロダクトの企画と販売やlimited shop、展示など、様々な形で2021年summerから台北市内にあるで活動する一定する形のないプロジェクト。


    Booth | EN-068
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | EN-080
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    刺繍家・芸術家 FUJI TATE P の ZINEは、日常や旅先でひとつのテーマを見つけてコレクションする感覚で写真を撮り、集まったものを編集して刊行したものです。最低限の材料で作る本作は、一枚の大きな紙に切り目をひとつ入れて手作業で折りたたみ、本のような状態にしています。2022年10月より Podcast 番組〈アラオネ〉も毎週水曜17時に配信中。


    Booth | EN-020
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • GADEN Books/FT architects

    Booth | EN-007
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • GhostBooks

    Booth | EN-081
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | SOUTH KOREA

    GhostBooks is a bookstore and publishing studio located in Daegu, South Korea. We mainly introduces art books and independent publications, as well as various merchandise. As a publishing studio, GhostBooks produces a wide range of publications. We create diverse publications that include essays, novels, magazines, and art books, without limiting ourselves to any specific genre. Our goal is to create a variety of books that can inspire people positively.⁠

  • guse ars

    Booth | EN-018
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • handpicked + Nao Tsuda

    Booth | EN-014
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Happy Potato Press

    Booth | EN-022
    Area | ENTRANCE

    Happy Potato Press is the publishing platform of visual artist and writer Martijn in ‘t Veld. Since 2019, we have been putting out books, prints, printed matter and other potatoes, that sit somewhere between art books, children books and poetry. Although we are Dutch we are based amidst the potato fields of Neukölln, Berlin, Germany, where we produce most of our publications in house. We sell our publications online, present our works on international art book fairs, and work with art book shops around the world such as Printed Matter NY, Yvon Lambert, Paris or DoYouReadMe!? Berlin, DE.

  • HeHe

    Booth | EN-034
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    Based in Tokyo, HeHe is a publishing label that has published works by contemporary artists such as Kishio Suga, Rei Naito, Shinro Ohtake, Hiraku Suzuki, Mark Manders, Ryan Gander, and by photographers such as Nobuyoshi Araki and Rinko Kawauchi. HeHe has also presented books in other genres such as works by fashion designers Jurgen Lehl and Issey Miyake, drawings by Tadanobu Asano, and many others. In 2023, HeHe published Dennis Morris’s new photo book, and Kishio Suga’s new book.

  • Hekichi

    Booth | EN-105
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    「へきち」は田渕正敏と松田洋和によるアート/デザイン/印刷/造本の活動です。過去の出展は、2012年 “NY Art Book Fair(at MoMA in NY)” 、2013年 “Leipziger Buchmesse(at Central Theater in Leipzig)”など。2023年1月、3月、8月に開催した田渕正敏の個展記録集を先行販売予定他、2023年制作の新作数タイトルを販売します。


    Booth | EN-083
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | USA

    Created by Brooklyn artist J. Morrison in 2010, HOMOCATS is an annual zine publication connecting the modern popularity of the feline with social politics.
    Our mission aims to fight phobias, propose equal rights, combat cultural stereotypes, question social norms, resist Trumpism, and make the world a better place.
    HOMOCATS publish zines, artist books, and prints, along with a line of screenprinted apparel handmade in Brooklyn.

  • honkbooks

    Booth | EN-016
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    2016年6月より活動するプラクティショナーコレクティヴ。映像や書籍の制作、展覧会やイベントを企画するメディアプロダクションとしても活動。活動拠点として神楽坂に「コ本や honkbooks」というブックショップを運営し、プロジェクトスペースとして「theca(テカ)」を併設。「thoasa(トオアサ)」という別名義で、書籍の出版や映像制作なども。今回は詩人のカニエ・ナハとともに、コ本やに関わるアーティストや詩人たちと出店します。

  • Jo-chu-ge (Yoko Inoue, Norio Nakamura, Tomoko Yamashita)

    Booth | EN-027
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • KaleidoscopeBooks

    Booth | EN-087
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | CHINA

    KaleidoscopeBooks was founded in Shenyang, the bookstore is mainly engaged in illustration and design works. The team is committed to uniting artists to create infinite possibilities of a complex art space.


    Booth | EN-097
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    KANA KAWANISHI ART OFFICEでは、独・Kehrer(ケーラー)社を中心とした欧米出版社による写真集・現代美術関連書籍の国内流通のほか、日本人アーティストの書籍編集・企画、またアート関連の和訳本専門レーベル「We Are Water Press」を運営。

  • Kenta Nakamura and Alexander Jyulian and Friends

    Booth | EN-089
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


    どうも中村健太です。丹精込めた手作り本「We don’t know each other well.」ができました!闇花屋のアレキサンダージュリアンは新作の写真集「ゆうこさん 2nd season」も同時に初出品!その他、花をテーマにしたアパレルやグッズを展開、ギャルからご老人までワクワクするブースを作って皆さまをお待ちしとるけんね。ぜひお気軽に遊びに来んね!

  • knew as new

    Booth | EN-075
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    店名の”knew as new”の日本語訳は「新しさとして知っていた」です。新しいと思っていた事は、いつの間にか過去の事となり既に新しくはないかもしれません。新しさを知る事は今を知る事、未知を知る事、それらを常に探求し続ける事だと思います。今を知る為の、未知を知る為の、現代美術を軸とした主に海外の新刊書籍を中心に取り扱う本のセレクトショップです。

  • Knuckles & Notch

    Booth | EN-053
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | SINGAPORE

    Established in 2013, Knuckles & Notch is a creative studio and Risograph press known for their maniacally colourful and often bizarre aesthetic. Their productions aim to reinterpret the mundane and reflect the fantastical in their everyday lives, through their brand of morbid humour. They believe in the unique quality of the hands-on process, where idiosyncrasies lead to greater relatability between creators and their audience. In that spirit, they continue to create through manual techniques such as Risograph, Silkscreen, Zine Making, and other tangible art mediums.

  • Knust/Extrapool

    Booth | EN-050
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | NETHERLANDS

    Knust is a post-fluxus art collective since 1984. In our graphic workspace and small shop we form with artist-run organisation Extrapool, a public venue in Nijmegen, NL. We work with art, sound and print in co-op with residents, give room for DIY projects and print in commission. Since the 80’s Knust had international fame thanks to the authenticity of the colorful printed publications. Nowadays Knust prints and makes books, posters, (maga)zines together with graphic artists in A2 and A3 size with 30+ colors. Knust is daily run by Jan Dirk de Wilde, Joyce Guley, Astrid Florentinus and Lu Lin.

  • Kunstverein Publishing

    Booth | EN-045
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | NETHERLANDS

    Kunstverein considers the form of the book capable of conveying an artist’s ideas sometimes better than any other. That is why the publications that come out of our publishing house—Kunstverein Publishing—function as a parallel, equally important branch of our program. We’re committed to chronicling practices that we feel are underexposed. As a result, our catalogue is varied in character and content and includes both re-prints of unique, hard-to-find books as well as new output, often bringing to the foreground untapped archives or shelved ideas.

  • LEE KAN KYO & Lee man studio girls

    Booth | EN-090
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    LEE KAN KYOは台湾人アーティスト。幼い頃から見ていたTV番組で、日本のエンターテインメントに魅力を感じ、2007年来日。スーパーのチラシ、週刊誌など消費社会の現象に着目した創作で、東京のみならず台湾、韓国、中国などに活躍の場を広げている。第10回グラフィック「1_WALL」グランプリ受賞。Lee man studioを運営。現在スタジオに在籍している三名の若き才能溢れるメンバー:永井せれな、佐川梢恵、土本穂香 とともに今回のTABFで私たちのハイパーハッピークリエイティブを発表。

  • Libri Finti Clandestini

    Booth | EN-051
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | ITALY

    Libri Finti Clandestini is a cosmopolitan collective that bases its work and research on artists’ books, exploring the forgotten places of the urban landscape. The project was born with the aim of creating stationery (books and sketchbooks) ready to be used and small pop-up editions re-using paper materials coming from abandoned factories, laboratories around Europe, paper mills… (each one individually bound by hand, stamped and numbered) and over the years the project has expanded towards other artistic directions, from photography toward letterpress, always in the name of experimentation.

  • magazine into

    Booth | EN-003
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | CHINA

    As a design magazine founded in 2020, magazine into aims to record the phenomena that are happening. The design industry in China is booming but still far from settling into normality, we wish to connect individual and develop mutual understanding.

  • Maximilian Fischer / Cillian / Hua Wang

    Booth | EN-071
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | GERMANY / JAPAN / CHINA

    Maximilian Fischer|Designer & Photographer, fuses art and technology, using techniques like CG, AI, and graphics. His pioneering work combining AI and photography debuts at TABF 2023.
    Cillian|Designer & Photographer, based in Tokyo & China, presents profound black-and-white art from Casablanca. Her long-awaited photo book returns after two years, showcasing a subtle yet resonant style.
    Hua Wang|Photographer, excels in capturing travel, landscapes, etc. Her latest offerings include a captivating zine, exquisite photo book, and meticulously crafted prints, revealing the beauty of Europe.

  • Mousse Magazine and Publishing

    Booth | EN-076
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | ITALY

    Established in Milan in 2006, Mousse traces the currents of contemporary culture through feature articles, interviews, and conversations among the most vivid voices in international criticism, along with emerging talents and key figures in the cultural debate.
    Mousse Publishing is an independent publishing house established in 2008, specializing in contemporary art and culture. Born as a spin-off of Mousse, Mousse Publishing develops tailored editorial projects with artists, curators, editors, galleries, museums, biennials, and other cultural institutions, both public and private.

  • Nan Fang Shu-chu

    Booth | EN-002
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN / TAIWAN

    2021年に設立した東洋を中心に各国に拠点を置く作家や研究者の協力のもと主に図書製作を行う独立系ひとり版元。日本、台湾、中国に拠点を置く6人による書道、写真、小説、グラフィックの連載を掲載するグラフィック誌《時代》の刊行や、写真集レーベル「GALAPA Program」、文庫レーベル「南方玉山文庫」、画讃レーベル「南方筆遊び」などから図書を刊行する。また、額縁製作や展示のインストールも手掛ける。より多くの台湾の若手作家を日本に紹介すべく、台湾のZINEを専門に扱う流通事業を秋より開始予定。


    Booth | EN-057
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    デザイン会社BALCOLONY. によるグラフィックレーベル。沖縄でギャラリー運営をしながら、アーティストブックやグッズ制作を行うほか、日本全国からzineを募集して期間限定で販売する『ナードアートブックショップ』やシルクスクリーンなどのワークショップ企画『NERD WE MAKE!』を通して、沖縄のデザインシーンの活発化を図っている。


    Booth | EN-055
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    2019.1.1創刊。SNSを中心に活動するタイポグラフィ・グラフィック・作字ユニット「日刊タイポ」。毎週変わる1つのお題を、各曜日の担当デザイナー7人が日替わりで作字し、Instagramアカウントにて絶賛毎日投稿。日:西澤和樹 月:白石卓也 火:笹原大 水:niro 木:萩谷綾香 金:せんざき 土:山口央 作文:加川斐乃 マネージャー:須藤ななみ


    Booth | EN-061
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | USA

    Published twice a year and available only in print, Notebook provides a curated vision of what makes the art of the cinema exciting and moving. Created and published by MUBI, Notebook is an editorially independent extension of MUBI’s mission of expanding access to and advocating for the seventh art. With a distinctive design approach, featuring renowned international writers and collaborating with filmmakers and artists, the magazine is a showcase for experimental, reflective, and surprising approaches to film culture, engaging with it creatively and through diverse viewpoints and methods.

  • Nozomi Aoyama / Azusa Kurihara / Asuka Wakida

    Booth | EN-001
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Occupy the City

    Booth | EN-041
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | SOUTH KOREA

    Occupy the City is a Seoul-based graphic design studio and independent publisher. is an irregular publication on typography and graphic design. It mainly publishes work process and descriptions by graphic designers and type designers on their practice. Since the issue Nr.1 was published in 2014, it has been produced Nr.9 in 2023. Moreover, it published the publication containing all text from Nr.1 to Nr.6 in 2021.


    Booth | EN-029
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | EN-048
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    OVEN UNIVERSEは世界中のアートブックやインディペンデントマガジンなどを取り扱う札幌のセレクトショップ、リソグラフ印刷による小部数のZINEなどを出版するパブリッシャーです。ニッチな世界の明るいお店を目指して日々営業しています。


    Booth | EN-079
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    PAPERSKYは、旅へと通じるどこでもドア。扉を開ければ、そこには多様性に満ちた世界が広がっています。PAPERSKY Japan Storiesは、日本列島を「地球の地方」ととらえ、ローカルな視点で日本の魅力を発信する、日英バイリンガルのメディアです。


    Booth | EN-085
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • People by TS.PHOTO

    Booth | EN-008
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN / USA / SOUTH KOREA

    写真にまつわる活動をするJenn Kang、長田果純、トヤマタクロウ、小野啓、加藤孝司の5人によるグループです。本展では、それぞれの写真集、新作アーティストブック、プリント、グッズなどを販売します。Jenn Kangがニューヨークの出版社「friend editions」から発表したばかりの「Vapor Trail」(Designed by Aiko Koike)は、日本では初披露となる作品です。会期中には各作家も在店し、ブックサイニングも行います。お気軽にお越しください。

  • PGI

    Booth | EN-013
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • pharmacy

    Booth | EN-005
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Place M

    Booth | EN-095
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    フォトギャラリー〈Place M〉は、写真家の大野伸彦、小松透、瀬戸正人、中居裕恭、森山大道らによって運営されている写真の実験の場です。ギャラリーレンタルや企画展示のほか、作品を作りあげていくための写真ワークショップ「夜の写真学校」、実践的な暗室ワークショップ、暗室レンタル等の活動を通じて。1987年オープン以来、写真と映像の表現・発表の場として活動してきましたが、新たに映像設備を設置しました。これからは写真と映像の可能性を探求し、境界を超えて新たな表現に挑戦していきます。


    Booth | EN-037
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    「POST-FAKE」は現存のアートやカルチャーを再定義し、新たなムーブメントを創造するメディアプロジェクトです。さまざまなアーティストを多角的な視点から取り上げたドキュメンタリー番組をTOKYO MXにて放送するほか、YouTubeやInstagram、ウェブマガジンなどで発信しています。


    Booth | EN-099
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | EN-011
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • PrintRoom

    Booth | EN-049
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | NETHERLANDS

    PrintRoom presents, develops and supports artistic strategies of independent publishing. Founded in 2003 as a travelling and growing collection of artist publications, PrintRoom is currently based in Rotterdam where it hosts exhibitions, conversations, book launches, performances and workshops for a diverse audience.

  • Project Seven

    Booth | EN-074
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN / UK

    Project Seven is a platform exploring artistic creativity in multiple dimensions for both digital and physical world in collaboration with others.

  • rn press

    Booth | EN-030
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    出版社rn press です。イラストレーター北村みなみさん、佐々木充彦さん、漫画家の西島大介さん、今日マチ子さんのなどの作品集を中心に刊行しています。年に一度刊行している文芸誌「USO」は写真、詩、漫画、エッセイ、小説を収録。

  • roshin books

    Booth | EN-015
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | EN-036
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • saicoro

    Booth | EN-098
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Sakumag + Yumiko Sakuma

    Booth | EN-010
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Seigensha Art Publishing, Inc.

    Booth | EN-065
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN





  • Shape Shifter’s Club

    Booth | EN-012
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Shinohara Shiko Ltd.

    Booth | EN-100
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | EN-019
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • shushulina publishing & friends

    Booth | EN-078
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    shushulina publishing(シュシュリナパブリッシング)はインディペンデントな出版レーベルです。2019年に写真家の東野翠れんによって創設されました。これまでに東野の写真集「Pendant 1957-2018」(2019)と「花、音、光」(2021)、町田康彦著の短編集「土と土が出会うところ」(2021)を出版しています。今回のTABFではshushulinaに縁がある人々の制作物も一緒にご紹介できればと思っています。

  • Slow Editions

    Booth | EN-023
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | CANADA

    Slow Editions is an independent publisher created by artist, Eunice Luk. Since 2014, Slow Editions has collaborated with artists to realize artworks in the form of artist books and multiples. We organize exhibitions, curate performances, and participate in art book fairs in various cities, diffusing our work to audiences worldwide.


    Booth | EN-103
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN / THAILAND

    SOI BOOKSではタイの小説、カルチャー、アート、音楽、食文化などを紹介しています。最新のタイ文学を翻訳紹介する冊子、タイの料理文化についての冊子、タイの漫画家のタムくんことウィスット・ポンニミットのリソグラフカードやリトルプレスカレンダーを展示する予定です。また その他タイのクリエイターの作品や文化事情がわかる冊子を紹介します。

  • SPBS

    Booth | EN-064
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Sprout Curation

    Booth | EN-073
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | EN-044
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    限られた時間の中で、終わりのない書物の階段を登る。STAIRS PRESSは、東京を拠点とするインディペンデントアート出版社で、言葉には頼らない、写真、イラスト、絵画などのアートブックを刊行している。大切に綴じた本たちを一冊ずつ積み上げて、長い階段になってゆく。そのような出版社を目指している。読者の1人1人が未知の世界に巡り会うために、我々は紙とインクを用いて、時空を超える本を世に送り出す。そして、シリアスかつ魅力的な作品を、全ての読者と共有する。


    Booth | EN-052
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    様々なデザイナーのステッカーを販売・展示するTHINK OF THINGSのオリジナル企画「STICKER STAND」。 約40名のデザイナーから集まった200種類以上のステッカーを販売いたします。 ステッカーはあらゆる場所で目にするものですが、印刷技術やデザインの工夫が詰まったグラフィックデザインの縮図でもあります。コンパクトで気軽に手に入りますが、PCやスマートフォンなど所有物に貼ることで自分自身の一部となる面白さもあります。ぜひ会場でお気に入りのものを探してみてください。


    Booth | EN-062
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Swamp Land

    Booth | EN-067
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | CHINA



    Booth | EN-009
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | EN-101
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | SOUTH KOREA

    Kitak An illustrator and a publisher of one-man publishing house, Tabacobooks.
    Tabacobooks has been releasing at least one illustration book a year and producing vinly concept posters with visualized images by listeninig to music since 2017.

  • Taro Karibe + Lily Night + Riyo Nemeth + Johann Von Bronx

    Booth | EN-072
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    【苅部太郎】視覚テクノロジーと偶像性を主題に作品を制作。/【リリー ナイト】個人的・集合的記憶との関係性について問題意識を持ち、写真、ドロイング、コラージュ、映像、テキスト、インスタレーションによる作品を制作する。/【ネメス リヨ】Central Saint Martins大Fine Art科卒。映像と写真を手法・題材として同時に使うことで新たな視点を模索し、身近なものを被写体に映像の立体化を試みる。/【ヨハン ヴォン ブロンクス】コロンビア生まれ。アナログな物質性に関心を持ち、ミクストメディアを主軸に活動。

  • The Fulcrum Press

    Booth | EN-077
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | USA

    Founded in Los Angeles in 2014, The Fulcrum Press is a small publisher exploring the interplay between photography and other artistic media. We are committed to expanding the possibilities of the publication format through our approach to the photo book as curatorial project that exists both on and off the printed page.

  • the object

    Booth | EN-040
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | SOUTH KOREA

    “The Object” is a design studio and publisher that finds inspiration in everyday objects. The Object has developed and produced a variety of content including artbooks created with handmade methods such as silkscreening and hand-binding, illustration books made in collaboration with Korean and overseas artists, and d’Archive series made together with a photo archive research center. We are fascinated by old, quiet objects, and we feel wonder at the materiality of books. We are currently collaborating with the illustrator group “0.1” on the ADD TO CART project

  • tooth comics

    Booth | EN-093
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Totodo

    Booth | EN-033
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | EN-086
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN


  • UT

    Booth | EN-042
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    ユニクロのグラフィックTシャツブランド「UT」は、アート、音楽、映画、漫画、アニメ、ゲームなどあらゆるカルチャーをTシャツを通して伝えるべく、年間約1000柄ものグラフィックTシャツを展開。また、UTがフィーチャーするカルチャーの裏側にあるストーリーを伝えるオウンドメディア『UT magazine』をタブロイド版とウェブ版で発信している。


    Booth | EN-032
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    2009年のZine’s Mate -Tokyo Art Book Fair-より出版活動をはじめる。

    YOU ARE HERE とは地図の上での「現在地」のこと。あなたはイマココにいますよ。そんな現在地確認が、私にとって「本」を作ることなのかもしれません。イマココを確認して、また新しい目的地に向かう。そのための道しるべ。そんな出版活動を定点観測的にチェックしていただけたら。そして次に何を“集めて編みたい”と思うのか。自分でも楽しみです。


    Booth | EN-021
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | SOUTH KOREA

    YOUR MINDは、2009年に開始した書店兼出版社。少量製作されたインディーズ書籍を流通して、若い作家とともに漫画、写真、ドローイングなど視覚的な本を主に発行する。 かんこくのアートブックを総合する行事であるを毎年開催している。

  • Yumiko Utsu / Megumi Yamakoshi

    Booth | EN-039
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN / THAILAND

    うつゆみこ 1978年東京都生まれ。2001年早稲田大学中退。第26回写真ひとつぼ展グランプリ。国内外で写真展を多数行う。写真集に『はこぶねのそと』、ジンに『PORTRAIT』『Charming Charms』他多数。現在写真家活動をしながら、写真の講師を務める。/ 山越めぐみ 写真家。アナログとデジタルの二面性を取り入れ、時代を反映させる作品を制作している。現在はタイを拠点に活動中。写真新世紀2018優秀賞。主な個展に「witness」(BOOK AND SONS、2019)などがある。


    Booth | EN-094
    Area | ENTRANCE
    Country | JAPAN

    Zen Foto Galleryは、アジア諸国の写真を専門に紹介するギャラリーとして、マーク・ピアソンによって2009年9月に設立されました。印象的・実験的な展覧会を開催するとともに写真集を出版し、稀にしか鑑賞できない刺激的な作品及び歴史的・現代的な優れた写真作品を紹介する発信地となることを目指しています。


  • 1991 Books

    Booth | EX-448
    Country | FRANCE

    1991 is a creative studio focusing on artist publications inspired by disruptive practices and DIY print. Offering limited edition books, zines and projects, 1991 draws inspiration from those within its own circle, as collaborators, influencers and their offerings.

  • A-GENT TOKYO (The Bee's Knees Inc)

    Booth | EX-425
    Country | JAPAN

    東京を拠点に国内外の作家をマネジメントするThe Bee’s Knees Inc / A-GENT TOKYO。今回のTABFでは、NYを拠点に活躍していたが(故)Jason Polan氏の貴重な活版印刷や本をはじめとして、ドイツの人気アーティストStefan Marxの最新の出版物、タイのアーティストデュオSUNDAEKIDSの新刊、NYで活躍するScott Albreichtの作品集などの販売行います。所属作家の来日イベントも行う予定です。

  • Akio Nagasawa Publishing

    Booth | EX-436
    Country | JAPAN

    銀座と青山を拠点に、長澤章生が主宰するアートギャラリー AKIO NAGASAWA Galleryを設立。2022年には虎ノ門にも新たに開廊。若手から著名作家(森山大道や安藤忠雄、宮島達男、須田一政、ウィリアム・クライン、サラ・ムーン他)を中心に、年間約15本ほどの展覧会を開催。海外の美術館や他企業と、国内外を問わず多種多様な企画をプロデュース。またAKIO NAGASAWA Publishingとして、写真集のデザインから出版まで多数手掛けております。

  • American Art Catalogues

    Booth | EX-461
    Country | USA

    American Art Catalogues is an artist publishing initiative based in New York City.

    Serving as testaments to individual bodies of artwork, each project is created in close collaboration with the artists themselves, and approach their subject matter with an archivist’s sensibility, to produce practical objects of reference.

    In addition to catalogue & edition publishing, American Art Catalogues offers its design and production services to galleries, artists, and institutions.

  • Arc Press

    Booth | EX-447
    Country | THAILAND

    Arc Pressは2020年に設立されたタイのバンコクを拠点とする独立出版社。写真集やアートブックを通してアーティストが自身の作品を紹介できるプラットフォームとして活動している。アーティストとの密な協力の元、各作品をキュレーション、デザインし、出版にとどまらず、ブックデザインやイメージ・キュレーションなども手がけている。私たちは本に美学と機能性の両立を求めており、アーティストの作品を補完できる最良のデザインを探求しつづけている。Arc Pressは様々なジャンルや視点を歓迎し、多様なプロジェクトをお見せする。


    Booth | EX-401
    Country | AUSTRALIA

    Berlin’s generation that once danced the nights away, is now also immersed in reputable creative fields. Born from this cultural development, BTWNLNS (Between Lines) is bringing a taste of this creative output to the shores of Sydney.
    Contemporary, solid furniture design brands Loehr, Objekte Unserer Tage, Neo/Craft & New Tendency are major players in this creative movement, along with the cultural powerhouse, do you read me?!, Berlin’s go to bookstore. We are beyond excited to host an incredible selection of independent publications and objects from these inspirational brands.

  • Building Fictions

    Booth | EX-442
    Country | NETHERLANDS

    Building Fictions is a publishing project that sets out to explore the potential of storytelling within practices at the intersection of art, design, architecture, literature. While investigating fictional strategies and their potential within artistic production, BF wants to find out where those strategies are at play in the context of real constructions, could those be made of concrete or be more ephemeral, metaphorical, thus anchoring the effects of fictions within the real world.

  • C7C gallery and shop

    Booth | EX-458
    Country | JAPAN

    independentに特化した活動を主軸とした展示や販売を行っているギャラリー&ショップ。アーティストの展示、パブリッシャーの紹介、それに関連したトークイベントなどを行なっています。ショップでは各国からセレクトしたアートブックなどを販売しております。また出版レーベルとして『thing press』を主催。通年の活動として、「展示とzineを作る」ワークショップも年に1回開催。


    Booth | EX-455
    Country | FRANCE

    born 1961 wallasey uk lives in paris graduate wscad 1989 taught by parr/graham influenced by japananese photography especialy ikko narahara,exhibited TATE museum several books published one by super labo tokyo three by zen photo gallery tokyo

  • CLASSIC Paris

    Booth | EX-449
    Country | FRANCE

    CLASSIC Paris is a creative label founded in 2010 responsible for the release of more than 25 titles, ranging from zines to limited edition art books, exhibition catalogs, and even a children’s book – not to mention objects, clothing, and accessories made in collaboration with brands. A bookstore, opened in 2016 in Paris, allows us to continually add works from independent publishers as well as rare books. Through our various activities, we seek to bridge as many milieus as possible – art, design, music, and fashion – all while keeping ties with today’s active culture.

  • commune

    Booth | EX-450
    Country | JAPAN

    2009年 下北沢で設立。現在は東京 幡ヶ谷でギャラリー、ショップ及び、出版レーベル commune Pressを運営。また各国のArt Book Fairへの出展、国内外の展示キュレーション、アーティストマネージメントを手掛ける。

  • David Zwirner Books

    Booth | EX-432
    Country | US

    David Zwirner Books was founded in 2014 as the stand-alone publishing house of David Zwirner and publishes over 25 titles a year that are available worldwide in museum stores, independent bookstores, online, and in all gallery locations.
    Taking the gallery’s world renowned artists, estates, and exhibition program as the starting point the imprint focuses on projects that are artist led or inspired.

  • Deadbeat Club

    Booth | EX-453
    Country | USA

    Deadbeat Club is an award winning independent publisher & coffee roaster located in Los Angeles. Rooted in contemporary photography, our ethos on small run, limited edition publications carries into our small batch single origin, signature blend and limited release coffees.

  • Dent-De-Leone/ Nieves/ mono.kutur/ Atelier HOKO

    Booth | EX-412

    Dent-De-Leone/ Nieves/ mono.kutur/ Atelier HOKO 4カ国のインディペンデントパブリッシャーによる合同ブースです。ロンドンのデザインチームÅBÄKEによる、2007年設立のDent-De-Leone(ダンデリオン)。アーティストブックとZineに特化した、2001年創設のスイスのインディペンデントパブリッシャーNieves(ニーヴス)。毎号ひとりのクリエーターにじっくりとインタビューを行うベルリン発のカルチャー・マガジン「mono kultur」。シンガポール発のAtelier HOKO(アトリエ ホコ)による、毎号生活の中のあるひとつの事柄に焦点を当てた不定期発行マガジン「Science of the Secondary (取るに足らない科学)」を紹介します。一部TABF限定のスペシャルプライスで販売予定。お見逃しなく!

  • dmp editions

    Booth | EX-405
    Country | TAIWAN

    dmp editions is a project that involves a multidisciplinary approach to publishing, content editing, art direction, and all things related to book-making. We work with artists, photographers, editors, and curators to develop an alternative perspective of the world portrayed through the pages of a book.

  • Duende Print

    Booth | EX-427
    Country | UK

    Founded in 2015, experimenting with publishing books, zines & prints. Since then, we have showcased a melting pot of creativity and operate a monthly changing Gallery programme. Functioning as a space for ideas to flourish, we provide educational opportunities for people to engage with creative activity. We are surrounded by talented people, Duende is focused on building a community of image makers, sculptors, art directors, writers & designers to ignite collaboration. Printed material continues to be a core value, however, the overarching structure of Duende is malleable.

  • Ediciones Anómalas

    Booth | EX-417
    Country | SPAIN

    Ediciones Anómalas is a publishing house devoted to Photography based in Barcelona (Spain) and open to the world as we participate in many international Fairs and our books are in bookstores around the world. We started in 2012 and since then we’ve published both recognized photographers and first books of emerging photographers.

    We publish book-objects with a care curation of each part of the process.

  • Fillip

    Booth | EX-419
    Country | CANADA

    Fillip is a non-profit publishing organization based in Vancouver, Canada that expands spaces for critical discussions on contemporary art. Through publications and a public programme, Fillip provides platforms for examining the relationship between art and society.

  • flotsam books

    Booth | EX-426
    Country | JAPAN

    2010年オンライン書店としてflotsam booksを開業する。国内外、新刊または古書を問わず写真集を中心としたビジュアルブックを販売。書籍販売のほか、ブックディレクションや各種イベントなども行う。2020年、実店舗を東京・代田橋にオープン。

  • G/P+abp

    Booth | EX-444
    Country | JAPAN

    G/P galleryおよびartbeat publishersは、活動を開始した2008年より横田大輔、ヴィヴィアン・サッセンをはじめとする国内外のアーティストらの写真集の発刊を精力的に行っています。2020年より従来のスタイルでの写真集の発行を見直し、富士フイルムビジネスイノベーションの協力のもと、NEOTOKYOZINEプロジェクトをスタート。最前線オンデマンドプリンターRevoria、そしてJet Pressを利用し、表現とその可動域の拡張に挑んでいます。

  • Grafis Nusantara

    Booth | EX-463
    Country | INDONESIA

    Grafis Nusantara is a platform dedicated to archiving vintage Indonesian labels and stickers – presenting the archipelago’s lavish visuals and their significance as knowledge and reference materials.

  • IACK

    Booth | EX-437
    Country | JAPAN


  • innen

    Booth | EX-452
    Country | SWITZERLAND

    innen is an independent publisher promoting Swiss and international contemporary artists, offering unconventional perspectives on art and contemporary trends. Founded by Aaron Fabian in 2006. innen has gradually gained prestige with its uniquely charming Zines and Books. In 2017 innen opened the Space / office at Haldenbachstrasse 9, Zürich experimental Space for exhibitions and book launches.

  • Jiazazhi

    Booth | EX-403
    Country | CHINA

    We care about the local and the world through the medium of images, texts, and sounds. The production work includes online content, magazines, publications, spaces, and event planning.

  • Keijiban

    Booth | EX-408
    Country | JAPAN


  • London Centre for Book Arts

    Booth | EX-411
    Country | UK

    The London Centre for Book Arts (LCBA) is an artist-run, open-access studio offering education programmes for the community and affordable access to resources for artists and designers. The Centre’s mission is to foster and promote book arts and artist-led publishing in the UK through collaboration, education, distribution, and by providing open-access to printing, binding and publishing facilities. Our activities include our own occasional publishing projects, and A6 BOOKS, a project centred around self-published work by emerging artists.

  • Lubok Verlag

    Booth | EX-423
    Country | GERMANY

    Since 2007 Lubok Verlag publishes a series of graphic books with original linocuts by contemporary artists. The books are printed directly from the linoleum plate on a historic cylinder press. Thirteeen issues of the Lubok Reihe have been published so far with contributions by more than 150 artists. The program also comprises about 30 monographic artist books with original linocuts, woodcuts, material or screen prints as well as artist books, zines and catalogues in offset and cliché print featuring works from various fields such as painting, graphic, photography, collage, installation, etc.

  • MaMaMa

    Booth | EX-421
    Country | NETHERLANDS

  • Middle Plane Magazine

    Booth | EX-440
    Country | UK

    Based in London, Middle Plane straddles the worlds of visual art and fashion. Each issue features a guest artist who is a significant figure on the international art stage. In close collaboration with the magazine, the artist is free to present radical ideas and visuals and conceive new photographic propositions from a fashion perspective. We support artists and professionals in the worlds of art and fashion in creating new and exciting collaborative pieces. The results are unpredictable, critical, eerie, and, above all, new to the magazine landscape.

  • MISAKO & ROSEN Hikotaro Kanehira

    Booth | EX-409
    Country | JAPAN

    インデペンデントキュレーターとして活躍するHikotaro Kanehiraと東京の現代美術ギャラリーMISAKO & ROSENのコラボレーションブース。世界的に活躍するアーティストの書籍を多く手がける。


    Booth | EX-460
    Country | UK

    Mörel books specialises in limited edition artist books with a focus on photography.
    We work with established artists as well as emerging artists.
    Past books include titles by Boris Mikhailov, Patti Smith, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Thomas Ruff, Araki, David Armstrong, Corinne Day, Ryan Gander, Alix Marie to mention a few.
    We work closely with the artist with the aim of all of our publications being an artist book.

  • Mulu Office 目彔事物

    Booth | EX-414
    Country | TAIWAN

    Mulu Office is a young artist collective and independent art publishing studio founded in 2021 by visual artists Liu Chao-tze and Zhou Junsheng. Making books, not limited in sense of publishing; publishing, not limited in form of books.


    Booth | EX-418
    Country | CHILE

    Naranja Publicaciones is a publishing house, bookstore, and collection focused on Chilean artists’ publications based in Santiago, Chile. We are interested in the study of books as an art form, publishing as an artistic practice, and its intersection with other disciplines.

    Since 2019, we have participated in Printed Matter L.A. and NY, and since 2017 in different exhibition instances in Chile, Brazil, Germany, USA, France, and more recently, China.


    Booth | EX-434
    Country | JAPAN

    NEUTRAL COLORSとは、独立した出版社であり、発行する雑誌であり、印刷製本所である。3つは有機的につながる。印刷製本所は、少人数で機材を共有し、必要に応じて集まって本をつくるための場所で、リソグラフ、製本機、断裁機、折り機、丁合機などの機材が揃う。出版は、少人数が集まって印刷、製本、流通までを一貫して行う。廃棄を前提とした大量商業印刷と少部数のインディペンデントの中間(雑誌で5000部/書籍やアートブックで300~1000部ほど)、経済的に持続可能な中規模出版モデルを目指している。

  • New Documents

    Booth | EX-419
    Country | USA

    New Documents is an art book publisher in Los Angeles, USA.

  • NITESHA with Friends

    Booth | EX-402
    Country | JAPAN

    NITESHA is a secondhand bookstore specializing in photography books, fashion, and art books. In 2020, NITESHA opened “NITESHA KYOTO” in Nishijin, Kyoto, an art space based on the concept ‘Rediscovering the New in the Old’.

  • nos:books

    Booth | EX-404
    Country | TAIWAN

    nos:books is an independent publisher founded by artist Son Ni in 2008 in Taipei. Hong Kong artist Chihoi has been a partner at nos:books since 2014. We strive to realize artists’ ideas and concepts in unique book forms. Our books are limited edition works by artists from Taiwan and abroad. From 2020 on, we also run a space about books called nos:bookspace.New books by Lee Kit, Hai Hsin Huang and Luc Jolivet. Plus Lee Kit’s special stamp at our table.

  • Onomatopee Projects

    Booth | EX-443
    Country | NETHERLANDS

    Onomatopee Projects is a curating and editorially led public gallery and publisher that is particularly known for its self-initiated and trans- disciplinary projects. Inspired by a DIY attitude, we host projects of progressive individuals as well as artist-run and institutional organisations.

  • Perimeter Editions

    Booth | EX-446
    Country | AUSTRALIA

    Perimeter Editions is the award-winning publishing imprint of Melbourne-based bookstore Perimeter Books and distribution house Perimeter Distribution.
    Releasing its first publication in 2012, Perimeter Editions has since gone on to publish more than eighty titles, winning several awards and exhibiting at key art book fairs in the United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Perimeter Editions’ focus rests on publishing autonomous books in close collaboration with photographers, artists, curators and writers. Its publications exhibit a criticality and sensitivity to content and form.


    Booth | EX-416
    Country | JAPAN

    Reminders Photography Strongholdで開催される写真集制作ワークショップなどに参加し、写真集を制作するアーティストのグループ。複雑で多面的な「現実」をどう表すか…? 作家が一冊一冊手作りする写真集は様々なリサーチを経て収集されたコンテンツを複雑に織り重ねながら物語を語る。デザイン、判型、紙や発行部数など、全ての要素が作品の物語の切り口となる写真集。そんな確かな存在感をもつ写真集こそが読者が「現実」を追体験できる芸術だと信じ制作に取り組んでいる。

  • Polish Graphic Design

    Booth | EX-428
    Country | POLAND

    Polish Graphic Design Foundation aims to generate and disseminate knowledge about contemporary design and visual culture. Its activities encompass organizing exhibitions, conferences, and lectures, as well as conducting research on design and visual culture.

    Polish Graphic Design Foundation aims to generate and disseminate knowledge about contemporary design and visual culture while actively promoting Polish design. Additionally, in the coming years, the foundation plans to expand its collaborations and establish contacts in Asia and Japan.”

  • POST

    Booth | EX-439
    Country | JAPAN

    POSTは出版社という括りで本を特集し、扱っている本が定期的に全て入れ代わるブックショップ。2011年にオープン以降、世界各国の出版社約40社の特集を行ってきました。恵比寿の実店舗の他、オペラシティアートギャラリーに併設するミュージアムショップ「Gallery 5」やDover Street Market内のブックショップ「BIBLIOTHECA」、建築とアートの領域をまたぐ専門書店「新建築書店」の運営もおこなっています。

  • Roma Publications

    Booth | EX-422
    Country | NETHERLANDS

    Roma Publications is an Amsterdam based art book publisher and design studio, founded in 1998 by graphic designer Roger Willems, and artists Mark Manders and Marc Nagtzaam. It is used as a platform to produce and distribute autonomous publications made in close collaboration with a growing number of artists, institutions, writers and designers.

  • Rondade

    Booth | EX-435
    Country | JAPAN

    さまざまなアートフォームを 創造の初期衝動に立ち返り、既成の枠にとらわれない形と方法で現化することを目的にRondadeを設立。アートブック、写真集『冨井大裕 : 関係する / Interact 』伊丹豪 『photocopy』Buku Akiyama 『Composition No.1–10 and the derivatives, 2001–2016等 』澤田育久『substance』などを出版。


    Booth | EX-433
    Country | JAPAN


  • Same Paper

    Booth | EX-451
    Country | CHINA

    Same Paper is a Shanghai-based creative studio and visual content label founded in 2015. Focusing on photography, visual art, and culture, Same Paper publishes photo books and magazines.

    Since 2015, Same Paper has kept introducing global publishers, publications, and artists’ projects through digital content and physical experience to Chinese young audiences.

  • Stefan Marx & in memory of Jason Polan

    Booth | EX-424
    Country | GERMANY / USA

    Jason Polan (1982 – 2020) American artist born in Michigan who lived and worked in New York City. Jason’s illustrations have been published in The New Yorker, The New York Times, among many others. He is a founder of Taco Bell Drawing Club which held at Fast Food Chain Store in USA “Tacobell” consists of 300 membership globally. His has released numerous books including “the Every Piece Of Art in The Museum Of Modern Art” Book, and the “Every Person in New York” book.

    Stefan Marx is a Berlin based artist. He creates drawing that attract the crowd of people not only in skate boarding, fashion or music but also people in art and public. Once you see his art, you know that it is done by Stefan. His drawings have originality and there are elements that you can’t stop loving it. He creates drawing of things that he loves and it will never stop. His love towards animal and plane is featured by many international magazines, his own books, zine, music record sleeves, poster, and campaign with brands.

  • Stockmans Art Books / Hopper&Fuchs

    Booth | EX-415
    Country | BELGIUM

    We are a haven for our artists, building a home for their books.The role of printer-publisher is well established in the STOCKMANS ART BOOKS and HOPPER&FUCHS DNA.What defines us is a sincere love of paper and typography in constructing the anatomy of the book.Innovative technology and artisanal skills fuse our vision to create books for the future.STOCKMANS stands for craftsmanship with a soul.Bruno Devos’s signature is ‘curating art books’ and this condenses our culture and philosophy in making books and experiencing the process.

  • Sunset Club

    Booth | EX-410
    Country | USA

    Sunset Club is a publishing endeavor run by Will Rogan and Lauren McKeon. We focus on hand made and unique objects. Our work grows out of our personal practices as artists, our desire to make art available to a wider public, and our life in the woods.

    We prefer objects you can live with, hold, and use.

    We believe in ghosts and magic.

    We choose texture over efficiency.

    Everyone is in the Sunset Club, each one of us is bound together by the advancing of time and the turning of the universe.


    Booth | EX-431
    Country | JAPAN

    2009年に設立された写真集専門出版社。アート写真の解釈を独自に拡張・深化させ、国内外で活躍する様々なタイプの写真家と写真集を制作、世界中のブックストア、ギャラリー等にてイベントを開催する。写真をテーマにしたコンセプトストア「SUPER LABO STORE TOKYO」を運営。

  • Tara Books

    Booth | EX-464
    Country | INDIA

    Tara Books is a collective of writers, designers and bookmakers, publishing illustrated books for children and adults. Our independent publishing company was started in Chennai, India in 1994. We are probably best known for our screen printed books that are made entirely by hand, and also for working closely with indigenous and folk artists in India over the last 29 years. We offer a curated list that includes children’s literature, photography, graphic novels, art and art education.

  • Thames & Hudson

    Booth | EX-432
    Country | UK

    Founded in 1949 and with headquarter in London, Thames & Hudson’s mission is to create a ‘museum with walls’ and to make accessible to a large reading public the world of art and the research of top scholars. Thames & Hudson publish high-quality books across all areas of visual creativity: art, architecture, design, photography, fashion, film and music, and also archaeology, history, popular culture, children’s and gift.

  • The Book Society/Mediabus

    Booth | EX-420
    Country | SOUTH KOREA

    Mediabus is a small publishing house based in Seoul, Korea. It was founded in 2007 by independent curators with the collaboration of designers. Mediabus publishes zines & books, produces and distributes, organizes exhibitions & events, directs a workshop, and carries out project or book commissions for companies & institutions.

  • The Eriskay Connection

    Booth | EX-438
    Country | NETHERLANDS

    The Eriskay Connection is a Dutch studio for book design and an independent publisher. We focus on contemporary storytelling at the intersection of photography, research and writing. In close collaboration with authors we make books as autonomous bodies of work that provide us with new and necessary insights into the world around us. The key for us is to convey the essence of their work through high quality editing, design and production. Our editions are mainly offset printed and bound in The Netherlands and we strive to work with local producers and sustainable materials as much as possible.

  • The Future Publishing

    Booth | EX-407
    Country | NETHERLANDS

    Breaking away from the current idea of publishing, and returning to the classical “making ideas public”, we create space and potential for alternatives to emerge and enter our everyday discourse. By initiating, collaborating, and co-creating, we publish installations, exhibitions, researches, artist in residencies, lectures, workshops and festivals, which inevitably lead to printed matter. Our purpose is to give small and/or experimental ideas, that could have a large impact, an opportunity in print. Based in Amsterdam, operates internationally. We believe in books.


    Booth | EX-441
    Country | JAPAN

    2008年、”東京”から生み出されるアート、デザイン、カルチャーを世界に発信していくプロジェクトとしてスタート。”CULT(熱狂)” “CULTURE(文化)” “ART(芸術)”を組み合わせたネーミングのTOKYO CULTUARTでは、アート作品やデザインプロダクツ、関連書籍は勿論のこと、コレクター心をくすぐるフィギュアやソフビなどの限定トイも展開。混沌とした東京らしさを通じて、現代の日本文化を発信します。


    Booth | EX-445
    Country | JAPAN


  • TOO MUCH Magazine

    Booth | EX-462
    Country | JAPAN

    TOO MUCH Magazineは、都市にフォーカスを当てた、東京発のインディペンデント・マガジンです。建築やアート、都市デザインを通して現代の都市と私たちの間に起こる変化について考えます。我々は、人がつくり上げる都市の風景を「Romantic Geography(ロマンティックな地理学)」と呼んでいます。

  • torch press

    Booth | EX-406
    Country | JAPAN

    torch pressは2013年よりスタートしたインディペンデントのブックレーベルです。主にアートブックや写真集を出版しています。本を所有することの喜びや出会いを信じ、作品に宿る世界観を本という形態でアウトプットする可能性を模索しながら、素材感やディテールまでこだわった本作りを目指しています。主な出版物に、川内倫子、五木田智央、杉戸洋、角田純、花代、ミヤギフトシなどの作品集があります。

  • Triangle Books

    Booth | EX-430
    Country | BELGIUM

    Triangle Books is a Brussels based independent publisher, founded by Olivier Vandervliet in 2013. We produce and distribute books and limited editions made in close collaboration with artists, institutions and galleries.

  • twelvebooks

    Booth | EX-456
    Country | JAPAN

    twelvebooks is a Japan-based distributor which is founded in 2010. We works with international independent publishers to distribute and promote publications on contemporary art and photography. With respect to each publisher’s individuality, concept and passion, twelvebooks helps to market the publications in Japan and throughout the rest of Asia. twelvebooks is committee member of Fine-Art Photography Association (FAPA) and TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR. twelvebooks co-curates a book store, ‘BIBLIOTHECA’ at Dover Street Market Ginza. twelvebooks opens a space, ‘SKWAT/twelvebooks’ in May, 2020. It will be reopened in Kameari, late 2023.


    Booth | EX-413
    Country | JAPAN

    UTRECHT(ユトレヒト)は、2002年オープンのブックショップです。インディペンデントパブリッシャーやアーティストが自ら制作・発行する、国内外のアートブックを中心に、一般書店では目にすることの少ない書籍を販売しています。店内にはギャラリースペースNOW IDeAを併設しています。『THE TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR』の共同開催や、出版活動やライブラリーのディレクション、海外のインディペンデントパブリッシャーの国内流通など、さまざまな本にまつわる活動を行っています。

  • Vacant

    Booth | EX-459
    Country | JAPAN

    ある空間を「場」へと変容させる、文化的な営みの考察と実践のため、2009年に東京・原宿にプロジェクトスペース「Vacant」をオープン。10年間の活動を経て2021年に新たな拠点「Vacant/Centre」を設立。Centre/Multiple/Worksを活動の軸として、多様な「場づくり」(=Place Design)を進める。

  • Volker Renner

    Booth | EX-454
    Country | GERMANY

    Volker Renner (b. 1977) lives and works in Hamburg. After studying applied cultural studies in Lüneburg, he enrolled at the University of Fine Arts Hamburg (HFBK) to obtain a degree in visual communication and rounded out his education in Peter Piller’s master class at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (HGB). His work has been shown in numerous solo and group exhibitions and at festivals and art fairs.

  • Witty Books

    Booth | EX-429
    Country | ITALY

    Witty Books is an independent publishing house that aims to promote contemporary photography and visual arts. Was founded in 2012 with the name of Witty Kiwi by Tommaso Parrillo.

    We focus on the publication of books as a curatorial space, working closely with artists and designers.

    We strongly believe in the dialogue between the different arts, so we have created the Ear/Eye project.

    In addition, Witty Books project doesn’t stop at the publication of books, we focus a lot on the education of

    the images


    Booth | EX-457
    Country | BELGIUM / MEXICO

    Zolo Pressはアートやアーティスト関連の出版をしています。メキシコシティとブリュッセルを拠点に、キャリアの浅いアーティストや後進のアーティストたちと共に、記録として、アートワークとして、展示そのものとして、彼らの活動の表明となる出版物を作っています。




    Booth | GC-310
    Country | NORWAY

    Ekstra Utgave is an A1 newspaper (back & forth) – lightweight, critical and eclectic. Featuring tabloid concepts and columns interpreted by a wide selection of prominent Norwegian poets, artists and authors, the paper is a fun and energized digest for your mind. Go big or go home! Created by Norwegian poet Morten Langeland and curator Elise By Olsen.

  • Art & Theory Publishing

    Booth | GC-306
    Country | SWEDEN

    Art & Theory Publishing is dedicated to publishing books with artists, writers, curators, cultural institutions, architects, designers, photographers and fashion designers. We also publish artist’s monographs, special editions and ephemera.
    Art & Theory Publishing is based in Stockholm, and was established in 2012. Since 2019 its director is artist Anna Kleberg Tham.

  • At Last Books

    Booth | GC-308
    Country | DENMARK

    Founded in Copenhagen in 2017 by Hans Munk, At Last Books is devoted to publishing a wide variety of projects involving art, photography, and writing, by a varied group of artists from around the world. Gardar Eide Einarsson will be signing Mining Rigs, exclusively released at the Tokyo Art Book Fair, and Conservator’s Notes (2018).

  • Bjarne Bare and friends

    Booth | GC-318
    Country | NORWAY / USA

    I am a Norwegian artist and photographer, and founder of MELK and Cornerkiosk press.
    I am based in Los Angeles and received an MFA from the University of California, Los Angeles (2017) and BFA from the Academy of Fine Art, Oslo (2013). My artworks are in permanent collections including the National Museum of Art, Oslo, Norway; Kistefos Museum, Jevnaker, Norway; Wienerberger Contemporary Photography Collection, Vienna, Austria and Ekard Collection, Wassenaar, The Netherlands.

  • Disko Bay

    Booth | GC-305
    Country | DENMARK

    Disko Bay (founded in 2018) is an independent photobook publisher based in Copenhagen aiming to promote Danish photography on the international photobook scene. We work closely together with photographers, designers and print makers too curate and craft unique books in limited print runs.

  • Fabrikbooks

    Booth | GC-317
    Country | DENMARK

    Fabrikbooks is a small, independent and award winning publishing house focusing on high quality publications by contemporary nordic and photography-based artists. Fabrikbooks was founded by artists Nicolai Howalt & Trine Soendergaard in Copenhagen in 2015.
    Should you wish to acquire a copy of a specific book for review please contact: mail@fabrikbooks.com

  • Foot Books

    Booth | GC-312
    Country | NORWAY

    Foot Books is an independent publisher specializing in contemporary drawing, artists’ books and zines. Based in Oslo, Norway and Leipzig, Germany.

  • FUKT Magazine

    Booth | GC-309
    Country | NORWAY

    FUKT Magazine is an award-winning annual publication entirely dedicated to contemporary drawing and illustration. Filled with artists’ interviews, essays, and artworks, it acts as a platform and laboratory for international emerging and established artists. With a distinctive visual emphasis, each issue revolves around a particular theme. The magazine was established in Norway in 1999 by the visual artist and editor Bjørn Hegardt. Now based in Oslo and Berlin, it comes without ads and with a unique cover by
    the creative director Ariane Spanier who co-edits and designs the magazine.

  • Khaos Publishing

    Booth | GC-302
    Country | FINLAND

    Khaos, the nothingness of which all else sprang. Khaos is an independent publisher focusing on themes related to culture & arts. Founded by photographic artist and publisher Iina Esko and based in Helsinki, Finland, since 2015.

  • Kosminen collective

    Booth | GC-301
    Country | FINLAND

    Kosminen is a collective of four artists who ran an art space in Helsinki, Finland from 2016-2021. The space combined an art gallery, an art bookstore (Khaos Publishing and Temporary Bookshelf) and an open art book archive. Members of the collective are Lotta Blomberg, Helen Korpak, Anna Niskanen and Liina Aalto-Setälä. In addition to its art space activities, the collective publishes zines and art books both collectively and individually.

  • Kult Books

    Booth | GC-316
    Country | SWEDEN

    Kult Books is an independent publishing project run by Janne Riikonen in Stockholm, Sweden. Kult Books publishes photography books and other lens based visual arts in monographs and artists’ books. Kult embraces personal artistic approach and visual language. The physical form of the books are of high importance to Kult and every project is designed in detail together with the artist to support the concept of the work.

  • Lodret Vandret

    Booth | GC-304
    Country | DENMARK

    Lodret Vandret is an independent imprint based between Copenhagen and Berlin. We are interested in combining individual sensibilities, and thus collaboration is at the very core of our practice both when working with individual artists and on group projects. Each year we exhibit at the largest art book fairs to actively be a part of the ever growing international art publishing community. Lodret Vandret was founded in 2010 by artists Flemming Ove Bech and Johan Rosenmunthe and operates not-for-profit.

  • Moon Space Books

    Booth | GC-312
    Country | SWEDEN

    Moon Space Books is a publishing house based in Stockholm, Sweden. It is run by the artist duo Hanna & Björn and their focus is on releasing artist’s books in smaller quantities, by themselves or by other contemporary Swedish artists.

  • Multipress

    Booth | GC-307
    Country | NORWAY

    Multipress is a non-profit publisher for artist books and publications based in Oslo, Norway. With an emphasis on photography, it is run as a platform for artists working with publications as an artistic practice. All of the book projects are a result of a collaborative effort, thoroughly working out all the elements specific to each project.

  • Nobody Books

    Booth | GC-315
    Country | SWEDEN

    イギリスの写真家、Stephen Gill(スティーブン・ギル)が自身の写真集を発行するために設立した出版社。写真集を自分の表現の完成形として位置付けているギルは、その作品に適した多様な手法を用いて、視覚・触覚へのアプローチを大切にした本作りを行う。また、スウェーデンに移住後出版された作品集「The Pillar」が、数々のブックアワードを受賞し、2021年にはアーノルフィニ(ブリストル、イギリス)で回顧展を開催。今回のTABFでは書籍のほか「The pillar」の新作プリントも販売予定。

  • Northing/Kinakaal forlag

    Booth | GC-314
    Country | NORWAY

    Founded by architect Ben Wenhou Yu and designer Yilei Wang in Bergen (NO), Northing/Kinakaal forlag is a multi-functional cultural space dedicated to promoting East Asian art and culture in Norway, and the other way round. In 2019, Northing started its own publishing house Kinakaal forlag, to explore the possibilities of paper-based publishing projects.

  • Rooftop Press

    Booth | GC-311
    Country | FINLAND

    Founded by artists Timo Vaittinen and Tuukka Kaila in 2017 in Helsinki, Rooftop Press explores publishing as a platform forartistic existence and collaborative work. We aim to explore how books can have a meaningful presence in the contemporary art ecosystem .Rooftop Press maintains a micro-press in Helsinki with facilities for Risograph printing, perfect binding and
    finishing. With changing partners, Rooftop also organises an international artist-publishers’ event Bookies.

  • 'uns / Cutt Press

    Booth | GC-303
    Country | ICELAND / GERMANY

    ´uns is an artist book publishing house founded in 2015 by Guðrún Benónýsdóttir. The organization was originally based in Berlin but will soon be located in Marshall house Reykjavík. https://marshallhusid.is/
    ´uns emphasizes on publication of artist made books. It’s primary role is to lay a foundation for artists to produce artwork within the frame of the publication and the printed matter. Throughout the years ‘uns has extended its activities to curate shows and to explore the exhibition format.
    Erin Honeycutt runs CUTT PRESS in Berlin, a riso-publishing project that makes artist books, chapbooks, and pamphlets. CUTT PRESS also collaborates on the making of reprints with the archives of Hopscotch Reading Room, a bookstore with a focus on queer and diaspora perspectives in Berlin.


  • 5X Letterpress

    Booth | PR-216
    Area | PRINTER
    Country | ITALY

    5X Letterpress it’s a duo of graphic designers and subversive printmaker. They produce prints, exclusively by hand using old printing presses, movable types and every surface that can be inked and pressed. Born in 2018, 5X Letterpress, has no limits for the experimentation and research around the graphic design area. All the typographic material and not (movable types, paper, inks, stereoplate and various print plate) come from old printing workshops or has been recovery in flea markets.


    Booth | PR-212
    Area | PRINTER
    Country | JAPAN

    印刷スタジオ「 PRINT + PLANT」も運営しています。

  • ARTBOOK CO-OP Supported by FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corp.

    Booth | PR-211
    Area | PRINTER
    Country | JAPAN

    ART BOOK CO-OPは、次代のアートブックの出版活動を振興するために2020年秋に立ち上げられたプラットフォームです。日々進化し続けるデジタルトランスフォーメーションの成果を、最先端で積極的に活用していきます。そのノウハウを活かすために、さまざまなアートブック出版社と協働します。今回は、「ローカルとグローバル」をテーマに、TABFにあわせた新作ZINE数アイテムを発表します。


    Booth | PR-205
    Area | PRINTER
    Country | SOUTH KOREA

    Corners Studio is a Seoul based office for graphic design of Daewoong Kim and Hyojoon Jo founded in 2012. Our practice focuses primarily on creative direction and visual communication strategies through typography, conceptual and content-related approaches. and also we run a risograph printing workshop, Corners Printing, for self-learning and self-experiment.


    Booth | PR-210
    Area | PRINTER
    Country | JAPAN

    大和板紙は、古紙を再生紙へと生まれ変わらせる製紙メーカーです。私たちは「板紙」を創っています。板紙とは、厚い紙のことです。「色がついた板紙」「強度のある板紙」など、様々な特徴があるユニークな板紙を製造しています。 “PAPER NEW WAVE”これは大和板紙がコーポレートスローガンに掲げる言葉です。他に類のない、クリエイターのアイデアの発端となる唯一無二の板紙を創り、その1枚から時代に大きな波を起こす。板紙の創り手として、クリエイターとともに時代を牽引していきたい。大和板紙は、そんな思いを胸に板紙を創っています。

  • EP Print

    Booth | PR-202
    Area | PRINTER
    Country | JAPAN

    EP Printは特殊加工を中心に、主に台湾の印刷サービスを提供している、印刷コーディネート会社です。日本ではあまり見ない用紙や、珍しい色の箔を使えることが特徴です。また、箔押しをはじめ、シルクスクリーン印刷や活版印刷、型抜き、ステッカーといった特殊印刷加工を組み合わせた印刷物を、比較的低コストで実現できます。経験豊富なスタッフが「印刷のパートナー」として日本と台湾を拠点に「こだわりの印刷物」の製作をサポートします。


    Booth | PR-203
    Area | PRINTER
    Country | JAPAN


  • Hand Saw Press

    Booth | PR-206
    Area | PRINTER
    Country | JAPAN

    Hand Saw Pressは、リソグラフの印刷機と木工の工具(のこぎり)があるスタジオです。東京と京都にあるスタジオは、建築、料理、インテリア、編集とユニークな分野のメンバーで共同運営しています。リソグラフを使った本やZINEの出版、イベントやワークショップの企画、建築やデザイン、料理まで、スタジオと道具を街に開き、いろいろな人と共創することがHand Saw Pressの活動です。


    Booth | PR-213
    Area | PRINTER
    Country | JAPAN


  • inuuniq

    Booth | PR-201
    Area | PRINTER
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | PR-204
    Area | PRINTER
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | PR-208
    Area | PRINTER
    Country | JAPAN


  • nakano letterpress studio

    Booth | PR-215
    Area | PRINTER
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | PR-207
    Area | PRINTER
    Country | JAPAN

    1910年に大分市にて創業。第2次世界大戦の戦火をくぐり抜け1979年にオフセット印刷技術へ移行後、2014年に活版印刷を復活させる。同年社屋内に『高山活版室』を開設し、オリジナルブランド『TAKAYAMA LETTERPRESS』を発表。2021年にはCompany Story Book「TAKAYAMA PRINTING HOUSE」を発行。これまでに画家の牧野伊三夫氏をはじめイラストレーターの網中いづる氏他、クリエイターと共にオリジナル商品制作や印刷技術の継承と可能性を探る活動を実施。


    Booth | PR-214
    Area | PRINTER
    Country | JAPAN

    創業70 年の印刷会社。近年では写真集、美術書、展示会図録の印刷に注力。2022年より版元としても出版活動をスタート。新井躍大写真集「gift」(2022年2月)、流麻二果 作品集「Spectrum of Vivid Moments」(2022年4月) 、平山謙写真集「羽田裏写真帳」(2023年5月)金瀬胖写真集「Nostalgia 千葉 | 海街の記」等を刊行。

  • wakodobb.inc

    Booth | PR-209
    Area | PRINTER
    Country | JAPAN



  • A. T. Pratt

    Booth | ZM-539
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | USA

    A. T. Pratt writes, draws, and self-publishes zines, comics, art books and paper crafts of all shapes and sizes, often including handmade special features like pop-ups and fold-outs. The publications range in genre from autobio to horror to self help & personal fitness to “funny animals” and more. The work explores time and space through the sequential narrative of comics with the infinite possibilities of bookbinding and multidimensional paper engineering.

  • Adrian Hogan and Luis Mendo

    Booth | ZM-501
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    Tokyo-based artists from Australia and Spain who capture the city’s spirit through illustrations. Returning to TABF after 3 years, they will exhibit a decade of friendship and creativity, with drawings, vibrant colours, and their beloved portraits.

  • Ai Ezaki

    Booth | ZM-506
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    これまでの主な個展は「PORTRAITS IN NOVEMBER(2022/ HAITSU, 東京 )」
    「The worst day(2023/ ユトレヒト, 東京)」等。

  • Akira Nishitake

    Booth | ZM-533
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    イラストレーターとしては妖怪やオリジナルキャラクターTONGOのグッズ等の制作も多数。2023年は4月にシンガポールアートブックフェアに参加。マンガグループCHOJIN CLUBを主催し、ZINEの発行や展覧会の企画もしています。

  • Alex Besikian

    Booth | ZM-573
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | FRANCE

    Lives & works in Paris. Since 2010, his nearly abstract drawings were shown between Tokyo & Paris in several shows & art book fairs, including solo exhibition in Tetoka Gallery – Tokyo (2018 & 2023) + duo show with Keiji Ito in Paris (2019).
    Published by Editions Matière & Quintal, his publications are available in Yvon Lambert (Paris), Agnès B (Paris), Printed Matter (NYC), Taco Ché (Tokyo),… His books were selected by Tokyo Art Book Fair – Ginza Edition (2019) for Zine’s Mate Corner & nominated by ADAGP-MAD for Artist’s Book Revelation Award (2019 & 2022).

  • Aperture Brought Me Here

    Booth | ZM-574
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | THAILAND

    Aperture Brought Me Here, is a self-motivated enterprise that investigates the relationship between photographic narrative and its conceptual documentary. It is a visual experiment with an attempt to take photography beyond itself, and use communication design to convey the intended narrative through the craft of publication design. The scope of work revolves around a prospect of how a book could interact with the readers through a series of photographs without an influence of words.

  • Astaan・Töng

    Booth | ZM-534
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | CHINA

    Astaan·Töngは、中国・内モンゴル自治区出身の4人のモンゴル若者で構成されたグループです。Astaan·Töngはモンゴル語の「Астаан Төн」をラテン文字転写したもので、「特別な”トン”」を意味します。グループ名は4人のメンバーの名前の頭文字(Amurhüü、Sonor、Taukesz、Töng)を組み合わせております。独特な内モンゴル文化を石のように芸術の海に「トン」と投げて、新しい波を起こし、モンゴルの民族美学などの文芸形式をより多くの人々に知ってもらうことを目指しています。


    Booth | ZM-536
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Bong Sadhu

    Booth | ZM-553
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    アーティストのTaikou Kanedaと写真家の百野幹人によるパブリッシング・プラットフォーム。「アウトサイドの視点」をテーマに作家を招聘し、広大な海や自然界に寄り添う生活、ライフスタイルや「遊び」を通して得られた、独自の感性により展開されている。

  • boo

    Booth | ZM-542
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | CHINA

    会社員 / グラフィックデザイナー / 作家 1993年生まれ、中国鄭州市出身。2019年武蔵野美術大学空間演出デザイン専攻修士課程修了卒業。 円や四角、直線といった、シンプルな図形的描写でアニミズム的「架空のモノ」をテーマにグラフィック作品か立体作品を制作する。

  • BRUTUS × Threads

    Booth | ZM-591
    Area | BRUTUS × Threads
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | ZM-507
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | UK

    Bunny Bissoux (they/them) is an artist, illustrator, writer and obsessive fanatic. Their work is focused on recurring themes including popular culture, gender, desire, queer identity, consumerism, nostalgia, sports, idols, obsession and romance. Drawing, collecting, self-documentation, zine-making and self-publishing are all integral parts of their creative practice. After 10 years living in Japan, Bunny has temporarily returned to their hometown in the middle of England. Their recent work explores grief and displacement through imagined narratives, personal archives and cultural research.

  • CALACA press

    Booth | ZM-589
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | MEXICO / UK

    CALACA is a creative production studio & publisher based in Mexico City and London. We are proud to stand as a platform that proposes and promotes collaborative and interdisciplinary projects led by Latin American creatives. We firmly believe in existing within the cultural interplay of our two host cities, channelling collaborations that contribute to building a comprehensive vision of a multicultural creative practice. We do zines, books, merch, prints, creative direction, art direction, and post-production.

  • Crisis Editions / Dane Press

    Booth | ZM-514
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | CANADA

    Twin publishing ventures of artists Robin N. And Kitt Peacock, with the shared goal of recirculating archival texts and materials. CRISIS EDITIONS focuses on socio-political and esoteric texts while DANE PRESS weaves together queer texts and resistant readings. CRISIS EDITIONS and DANE PRESS share a studio and a publishing manifesto. Kitt Peacock leads DANE PRESS as part of their interdisciplinary art practice, while Robin. N operates CRISIS EDITIONS as his principal artistic output.

  • Curious Bunny Press/Asuka Ohsawa

    Booth | ZM-532
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | USA

    ブルックリン在住。ニューヨークのCenter for Book Art に所属して製本と活版を学ぶ。シルクスクリーン、活版印刷、リソグラフを使ったアーティストブックやZineを製作。手作業ならではの印刷や製本の面白さを重視。現在はCurious Bunny Pressとして、飽くなき好奇心をテーマに、パブリックドメインの著作物を取り入れた様々な分野での豆知識的な本を作っている。

  • Cutpiles

    Booth | ZM-582
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | USA

    Cutpiles is a multidisciplinary artist based in the Pacific Northwest, United States. Drawing, painting and photography are at the forefront of her many practices. Her drawings stem from past memories and personal life experiences. Her illustrations are intertwined with recurring themes of daily life in America, popular culture and travel. She creates her subjects with paint, ink and paper, while utilizing the camera to record and narrate her life. Her works have been published in many photo and art books in the US including her most recent publication in Bill Daniels, ‘Mostly True’ book.

  • Dig A Hole Zines

    Booth | ZM-566
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    Dig A Hole Zines is a volunteer run DIY store, exhibition space, and publisher supporting independent zine makers in Koenji, Tokyo. Dig A Hole Zines opened in January of 2023 and has hosted independent zine release events and exhibitions. Our selection includes a wide variety of zines from various countries with a focus of self-published themes such as illustration, photography, LGBTQ+, sustainable living, underground music, & more. We are open daily 13:00 – 18:00.


    Booth | ZM-583
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Dog Health Club

    Booth | ZM-527
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    こんにちは、Dog Health Clubです。私達はフリー素材の犬と共に活動する任意団体。私達の中にいる犬の為に、犬は私達と永遠に共にあるでしょう。Hello,We’re Dog Health Club.We’re an arbitrary organization that works with free material dogs on Internet. Because of the dogs that abides in us, and will be with us forever.

  • EBOOKS (Rio Ebato / Yumiko Tashiro)

    Booth | ZM-502
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Editions L'Amazone

    Booth | ZM-537
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | BELGIUM

    Founded in 2020 in Brussels, L’Amazone is a publishing house that publishes artists’ books and children’s books at the convergence of critical thinking and image production.

  • FancyToi

    Booth | ZM-522
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | CHINA

    In 2019, I began to explore my personal style and now working on the “FancyToi” series.My work consists of paintings, comics, artistbooks.
    In my works,I’m curious about the thickness of time and the shuttle state of space. Frames and frames burst into infinite possibilities in the gap of time.

  • Felder Books Berlin

    Booth | ZM-541
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | GERMANY

    FELDER BOOKS BERLIN is an independent publisher of art, design and children’s books, comics and zines. The publishing house was founded in September 2022 by Britt M?ller and Winnes Radem?chers in Berlin. The projects are characterized by an interdisciplinary approach and minimalism, bringing topics on point in terms of content and form (literally). We take great importance in finding the most suitable format and printing technique for its books. The essential criterion for reproduction here is also, in addition to sustainability, finding a solution that is as simple as possible.

  • Fotobook DUMMIES Day

    Booth | ZM-561
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | TAIWAN

    Fotobook DUMMIES Day, founded by Liu Chao-tze and Lin Junye, is an artist-led initiative diving into photobook and self-publishing since 2018, currently based in Taipei, Taiwan. Fotobook DUMMIES Day is an annual photobook fair, as well as curated exhibitions, events, and discourses. We began a field research project in Southeast Asia in 2019. In 2022, we published Tropical Reading: Photobook and Self-Publishing, and this project is still ongoing.


    Booth | ZM-504
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    フライヤーコレクターチームの「FREE PAPER CENTER」です。これまで10年以上フリーペーパー/フライヤー/カタログ/リーフレット/ショップカードなどを集めてきました。これらを1冊の本にまとめ、保管を始めました。フライヤーの新しい保管表現、フライヤーブックを提供します。


    Booth | ZM-556
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN


  • fuka tori

    Booth | ZM-569
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | ZM-576
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    梶谷文雄 東京芸術大学大学院デザイン科卒。 TABF 過去4回参加。花の作品を中心に本やグラフィックを手掛ける。本多万智 東京芸術大学大学院デザイン科卒。大学時代にTokyo Art Book Fair 2017のVI、サイン計画に携わる。現在は日本デザインセンターに在籍しながら、個人の作品制作を続けている。

  • Haiku joji

    Booth | ZM-521
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | NEW ZEALAND


  • imo.books.

    Booth | ZM-528
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Islam Aly

    Booth | ZM-543
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | EGYPT

    Islam is a book artist and lecturer of Design at Helwan University’s College of Art Education. His artistic journey began with a Bachelor’s degree in Art Education, followed by a Master’s from the same university. He was determined to continue his academic journey, and he pursued a Ph.D. in Teaching and Learning with a concentration in Art Education, which he earned at the University of Iowa.

  • IWAKAN Magazine

    Booth | ZM-517
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Jiezang

    Booth | ZM-545
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | CHINA

    Zang is specializes in looking backwards,extracting images from life and queer experiences,chewing and translating them to make him feel safe and comfortable.These autobiographical images always have a certain “momentum” surging in the calm. The works involve painting, animation, sculpture and installation.

    The expressionless characters often take on a melancholy and silent quality. They are hanging, rigid, and indistinguishable from other objects in the background. The parallel and slightly compressed, still-life-like perspective adds objectivity and detachment to the whole image.

  • Joo Young Kim

    Booth | ZM-584
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | GERMANY

    I am an illustrator based in Leipzig, Germany. I was born in Seoul, South Korea. I draw hand-drawn drawings and self-publish picture books, comic books. I like to talk about nature, friendships, dogs, etc. I also make posters and stickers, ceramics and clothings.


    Booth | ZM-509
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | SOUTH KOREA

    Jooyeon Koh is an Artist/ Zin maker/ Illustrator who works in Seoul. My artistic journey revolves around a fascinating project called “The Charade Show.” This explores the unknown in the unknown and weaves an interesting story about a cat humorously playing the role of Earth’s savior. Within this realm I explore the fascinating stories of beings who harbor hidden possibilities, aiming to challenge the boundaries that separate reality from fantasy. My work features a distinct approach, combining thin threads and pixels into small units.

  • Jumbo Press

    Booth | ZM-525
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | SPAIN

    Jumbo Press is a collaborative artist edition project, founded by Jake Lucas and Marta Font in 2018. We are an independent print studio and approach every print project with the utmost care and attention. In an ever-changing digital world, we strive to support, promote, and collaborate with creatives who are also committed to preserving printed matter.

  • Kidtofer

    Booth | ZM-568
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | USA

    Kidtofer is an illustrator/ceramicist based in California, USA. Kidtofer’s main body of work is about his experience as a gay person growing up in Thailand with his passion of western pop culture, as well as figuring out his sexuality and desires through the lens of whimsical and humorous art. He brings lightness and joy through his artwork even though it’s about serious topics.

  • KioskKiosk

    Booth | ZM-523
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | SOUTH KOREA

    Since 2018, KioskKiosk is an independent art&design store which is run by a graphic studio in Seoul. KioskKiosk introduces artist products from local designers and artists. KK Edition produces own and collaborated prints and products. KioskKiosk also runs a workshop and events in the space.

  • 林家夯 Lin Jaihang

    Booth | ZM-518
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | TAIWAN

    Jaihang | 林家夯 is a Kaohsiung native who graduated from National Taiwan University of Arts, and is now a graphic designer, living in Taipei. Claiming to be “an ambiguous style photographer”, from the perspective of a gay man, he documents an intimate and loving relationship with a male partner in a private rental.

    Exhibitions :
    Roommate / Jaihang Lin x Tommy Zheng joint show / Garden City Book store,Taiwan / 2021
    Jaihang & Kaisei Photographic Exhibition / 2022

  • Lina Suenaert

    Booth | ZM-570
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    Lina Suenaert is a visual artist from Belgium. She graduated from the Oil-painting Department of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp in 2018. Currently based between Tokyo and Antwerp, she amuses the audience with her clever incorporation of daily observations, thoughts, and humor into her works.

  • loneliness books

    Booth | ZM-519
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Lulu Lin

    Booth | ZM-511
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | TAIWAN

    Lin is an interdisciplinary designer known for her pursuit of drawing, which began in 2016 and continues apace. Her drawings have been described as subverting human forms in surprising and engrossing ways, often lumpy and fleshy, that strike the viewer as playful, surreal, and sometimes unsettling. Her inspirations come from continuous intuitive absorption of emotion, information, and inspiration in life. She is constantly on the lookout for new ideas, new strategies, and more efficient ways of accomplishing creative and meaningful works.

  • lupemacanudo

    Booth | ZM-550
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | BOLIVIA

    independent artist, illustrator and graphic designer who practices self-publishing

    print around the world

    zines – posters

    from Bolivia

  • Manila Books & Gift

    Booth | ZM-538
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    輸入zineを中心にアートブック、アーティストグッズを取り扱う専門店です。また、昨年より出版部門Manila Pressも始動! zine制作を通し、地元アーティストの活動をサポートさせていただいております。余談ですが、店主とフィリピンの首都であるマニラは縁もゆかりも無いです。ただのノリで店名を決めてしまいました。そんなゆるりとした店主が営む店です。


    Booth | ZM-512
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    2012年に洋書ディストリビューターとしてしめやかに活動を始め、海外のユニークなアート本やインディペンデントマガジンを日本に紹介。調子がノリノリのノリ助になってきた2017年に突如活動を休止。4年に渡る自己を見つめ直す修行を経てコロナ禍真っ只中の2021年にこれまた突如活動を開始し世間の度肝を抜く。しかも洋書のディストリビューションではなく、当時まだほとんど無名だった日本人アーティストFujimura Familyの写真集を出版するという、全く先の読めないお騒がせ系出版社/ディストリビューター。

  • Masala Noir

    Booth | ZM-567
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | FRANCE

    Masala Noir is an independent publishing house that unveils the captivating world of visual archives. Dive into curated collections and embark on a journey through design movements and countercultures that shaped the 20th century. From graphic design to architecture, Masala Noir invites you to explore the rich tapestry of human creativity, offering a source of inspiration for designers seeking to push their craft to new heights.


    Booth | ZM-529
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    Cyber Actress、通称CATSは、2020年に日本でスタートし、世界中に向けて発表されるアートプロジェクトの名称である。


    Booth | ZM-586
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | SOUTH KOREA

    I create images by dyeing fabric and paper using the KATAZOME technique. Based in Seoul, I am actively engaged in this artistic practice. I am working on a sporadic zine called ‘아프리카는 미래의 일(Africa is the Future)’ where I combine image with brief texts. Additionally, I produce printed materials such as calendars, posters, and postcards.

  • Moniker Press

    Booth | ZM-590
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | CANADA

    Moniker Press is a small risograph print studio and publishing project in Vancouver, BC, Canada, that works collaboratively with artists to produce small editions of books, zines and print ephemera.

  • Motoyoshino

    Booth | ZM-513
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN


  • N&K

    Booth | ZM-558
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Nadiia Zhelieznova

    Booth | ZM-510
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | UAE

    I am a Ukrainian artist and illustrator based in Abu Dhabi. I have worked for companies such as Adobe, Yandex, Alphabook, and Internazionale.As an artist I exhibited graphics in the gallery Atelier d’Artistes de Belleville in Paris, the Moscow Manege and participated in various festivals such as Fumetto Comic Festival, Riga Zine Fest, Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair and the Frame Prague Comics Art Festival in 2019 as part of the Akulka duo. I also teach art at British Higher School of Art&Design. Now I am a student and studied screenwriting and directing of animated films and comics.

  • nichinichi

    Booth | ZM-565
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | CHINA

    nichinichi,多摩美術大学グラフィックデザイン学科修士卒業し、現在は中国成都で暮らしている。劉航と共にKOUJITSU DESIGN STUDIOを設立し、イラストレーターにとして活躍している。作品は構図や色彩に規則を破ろうと試み、明るく強烈な色調を使って、ユーモアと大胆な創作を組み合わせて視覚的な表現を探究している。

  • Nisikawa Apartment

    Booth | ZM-547
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN


  • over and over magazine

    Booth | ZM-579
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN / TAIWAN

    フェミニズムや政治、台湾というキーワードが結びつき出会った編集者のSaki・SoheeとKaiの二人が、それぞれ台湾と日本をベースに、このディストピアな世界で、それでもやむ事のない小さな声を集めて、自分たちの世代で“変化”を起こそうと制作したmagazineです。 日常の中でされる無数の選択と選挙など政治の選択との境界線をぼかす行為としての制作。何度も、何度も声を上げても同調圧力によって折られるこの社会の禍々しさへのフラストレーションの表明もまた、magazineの名前の由来になっています。

  • Parking Lot Press

    Booth | ZM-580
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | THAILAND

    Parking Lot Press is an artist collective consisting of four young designers and illustrators based in Bangkok deeply immersed in the world of print design. With a shared passion for the medium, we collaborate on print-based and publication projects that not only embody our collective vision but also serve as a platform to showcase our individual creative talents.

  • 紫煙困戶畫略 Phantomwave Beggarman Iconotactics

  • philcontemporary/mob

    Booth | ZM-555
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN



    Booth | ZM-530
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    PINHOLE BOOKSは、グラフィックデザイナーの泉美菜子が立ち上げた出版レーベルです。写真やアートの作家による作品集を中心に、針の穴を覗くような小さな好奇心に着目した本を作っています。書籍の企画から関連して生まれたグッズも販売いたします。

  • Quintal

    Booth | ZM-524
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | FRANCE

    Quintal is a small printing studio, publishing house and bookshop specialised in Riso printing based in Paris. It was established in 2018 with the aim to have the means to elaborate book’s projects without the need of any external entities or constraints. We focus on working on book projects about the work of painters, illustrators photographer and type Designers. Since summer 2022 we open up a riso specialised bookshop with more thanks 25 différents publishers. We also organised a boon faire called Accident(s) atypical book fair during Paris Photo alongside Librairie sans titre.

  • Random Man Editions

    Booth | ZM-540
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | USA

    With a focus on breadth and unlikely roster-building, Random Man Editions plucks idiosyncratic artists and nonartists from the visual culture tree and celebrates them via published forms.

  • ransuunuma print studio

    Booth | ZM-544
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Reiko Okamoto

    Booth | ZM-587
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Round and Angular

    Booth | ZM-554
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | SOUTH KOREA

    Round and Angular is a small art studio based in Seoul. We work to create various forms using visual language based on print media. Most books or small printed materials are printed, produced, and published in-house. We maintain production in various forms without being limited to any one composition or material. We focus on showing various sides, sometimes loosely and sensitively, as guided by new and exciting inspiration.

  • Secret Riso Club

    Booth | ZM-508
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | USA

    Secret Riso Club is a graphic design and risograph studio that focuses its work on the intersection of social justice, art, design and community building. In our practice, we work to build a platform that serves as a collaborative space for developing ideas and new projects. SRC is run in collaboration between Gonzalo Guerrero and Tara Ridgedell.


    Booth | ZM-535
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Sisi Kim

    Booth | ZM-563
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | SOUTH KOREA

    Sisi Kim is an Illustrator and 3D graphic designer based in Seoul, Korea. She mainly creates digital 3D illustrations, short-loop animations, books, etc.


    Booth | ZM-526
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | TAIWAN

    SMALLTALK is the alias used by Taipei based artist Annie Li, this project took off in 2018. SMALLTALK is not only to present personal artworks, it’s a gateway to exploring and experimenting different things related to art, like printing and publishing. It’s also a platform to work with friends to present wild ideas.


    Booth | ZM-564
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | CHINA

    Duo*Lao Zhou & Lao Wu
    create while drinking tea
    #honor ancestor#tea
    #illustration#art toy
    #art installation#art book
    #”waste” story


    Booth | ZM-585
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | CHINA / JAPAN



    Booth | ZM-520
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | TAIWAN

    台湾囡仔 TEI YU台湾生まれ・ 現在日本在住のファッション系クリエイター。2022年台湾アーティスト達と日本人アーティスト達と不定期的に展示やイベントを開催してます。スタイリング、イラスト、グラフィックデザインなども手掛ける。DUCK CROW (WOWWOWWOW)台湾生まれのアーティスト。雑誌の出版、イラストや映像作品なども手掛ける。2022年台湾中心に台湾アーティスト達と日本人アーティスト達と不定期的に展示やイベントを開催してます。

  • Terry Bleu

    Booth | ZM-516
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | NETHERLANDS

    Terry Bleu is an independent Riso/screen printing studio and publishing house founded by Hugo Rocci.

    Our quest is to transform the work of artists we love into fresh, one-of-a-kindprints. We get fired up about all things playful, colorful, na?ve, and surprising.

  • The Goodwiller

    Booth | ZM-546
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    The Goodwiller は、2019年にアメリカのポートランドで発足された斉藤思帆と田岡美紗子によるアートプロジェクトです。セカンドハンドストアで購入した服で構成されたコレクションを元に、新たな価値観を与え、中古品の流通サークルを創造しています。今回のTABFでは、これまでにアメリカ、日本、フランスで行われた各プロジェクトをまとめた本を販売します。

  • The Sandwich Club

    Booth | ZM-572
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | UK / HONG KONG

    The Sandwich Club is a bookmaking studio, risograph press and publishing & design unit, based in London, UK. We provide Risograph printing services and collaborate with artists in different fields in publishing projects.


    Booth | ZM-549
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow!



    Booth | ZM-503
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    こんにちは。イラストレーターの水越智三です。今回は東京のリソスタジオHandSawPressと写真家の阿部隆太さんの出版レーベルKoshigoe Schoolからそれぞれ出版してもらったZINEをメインに販売します。

  • TReC1and2

    Booth | ZM-531
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    スクリーンプリンター。自家製版から印刷まで行うスクリーンプリント、写真、コラージュ、ドローイングを駆使してZINEやTシャツで足跡を残し続けます。ワークショップや参加型、巡回写真展示企画、”SAME SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT”、誰でも参加できるコレクティブzine”TReC ZINE CLUB”、酔っぱらいのお洋服”トーキョーハードコアビアクルー”を展開。2023年夏にZINE #4を刊行。秋にスクリーンプリントを中心に構成したZINE”旅録ひってん”を2冊刊行予定。

  • Treelikeswater

    Booth | ZM-557
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | SOUTH KOREA

    We are a new concept of editing shop that deals with music and living centered on photography. Recently, we produced a zine of Japanese photographer ‘takashi homma’, and we are continuously preparing for the production of various artists and zines.


    Booth | ZM-505
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | TAIWAN

    TTYL (the abbreviation of “talk to you later”) BOOK is a group of three artists, Amos Chu, Hanyun Liang and Szuyu Liu, in Taiwan since 2016. We make limited editions by drawing, photography, hand-made binding, and sometimes writing. Making books is always a journey for us to explore the universe for a little better understanding of life.

  • Twin Palace Press + BLACK JOSEI PRESS

    Booth | ZM-578
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN / USA

    Twin Palace Pressでは、アメリカのインディーコミックプレスであるBlack Josei Press(日本の「女性」漫画に影響を受けて、レーベル名に”Josei”)とのコラボレーションでそこから出ているコミックZINEを翻訳制作するほか、各種ZINEをつくっています。これまでに『ウォッシュ・デイ』(品切)や『この街でいちばん悲しくて怒っているブラックガールのわたし』を出しました。Black Josei Pressは、黒人女性による黒人女性のためのマンガを出版することを掲げています。

  • Ugoku Estudio

    Booth | ZM-551
    Area | ZINE’S MATE


  • understructures

    Booth | ZM-560
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | UKRAINE

    understructures is a collective working body assembled in Ukraine in 2020 that functions as a temporary support structure and platform for artists, architects, activists, volunteers, and people in need.


    Booth | ZM-559
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | SOUTH KOREA

    UOS GRAPHIC is a graphic team of Graduate school of Design in University of Seoul. Members are Hong Soi, Jung Mukho, Kim Sieun, Kwon Jiun, Kwon Suzin, and Lee Reum.

  • uou___cute

    Booth | ZM-588
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    uou___cute is a cute board created by Lam Lo, She grew up in the city of Macau, graduated from LCC of University of the Arts London in MA animation, currently in Tokyo, Japan. She makes animation, illustrations, and other cute things. When creating illustrations she loves to use soft pastels, oil pastels and colour pencils. In particular, soft pastel creates a lightweight texture and softness, airy texture on her work.


    Booth | ZM-575
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    ドローイング作家。2018年より生活を描き留め、抽象化された自分史を記録・公開。2023年、埼玉県さいたま市にスタジオ「NYX Square」をオープン。

  • YeP YeP

    Booth | ZM-552
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | HONG KONG

    YeP YeP is a fashion and art magazine published in Hong Kong featuring commissioned works by local emerging artists.

  • Youngmin

    Booth | ZM-577
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | SOUTH KOREA

    I’m an artist based in Seoul, Korea
    I’m making books and things with the themes of travel and nature.
    We have produced various independent publications such as 『Small Collecting Books』, 『Candy Books』, 『Short Bread Diary』, and 『ARCTIC CIRCLE』
    I’m interested in collecting things I like and recording things I saw and felt in various forms. Produce free and experimental forms of books through handmade books.

  • Yu-Rei-Buin

    Booth | ZM-562
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    出版幽霊部員は2023年に写真家・澤田詩園によって立ち上げられた出版レーベルです。デザイナーの中村陽道を幽霊部員として迎え、それぞれの活動を集合させ、出版部活動と称して写真集の出版や、展示の企画運営を行なっています。近刊に写真集『I Trust It Just A Little Now』(2023)などがあります。

  • Yue

    Booth | ZM-571
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN


  • Yuki MIKAMI

    Booth | ZM-548
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN

    アーティスト 東京在住 様々なモチーフを線として表現し、ドローイングやコラージュを主な手法とした作品を制作発表している。

  • Zonshang

    Booth | ZM-515
    Area | ZINE’S MATE
    Country | JAPAN
