日時:7月14日(日) 15:30-16:45(受付開始:15:15)













Kyoichi Tsuzuki editor / photographer


Born 1956 in Tokyo. From 1976 to 1986, worked as editor for contemporary art,

architecture, design and urban life at Tokyo trend magazines Popeye and Brutus.

Then from 1989 to 1992, compiled ArT RANDOM (Kyoto Shoin), a compendium

of102 monographs on world art of the ’80s. Thereafter, pursued a career of writing

and independent publishing in the fields of contemporary art, architecture,

photography and design. In 1993, published Tokyo Style (Kyoto Shoin, US

Chronicle Books edition, 1999), an extended photo-documentation of how people

in Tokyo really live. Followed the next five years by a serialized photo-travelogue

column in SPA! Magazine on strange roadside attractions around Japan,

published as a single volume in 1996 as Roadside Japan (Aspect, winner of the

23rd Ihei Kimura Photography Award, revised Chikuma pocket book edition,

2000). From autumn 1997 to spring 2001, published Street Design File (Aspect), a

new 20-volume series devoted to overlooked treasures of non-professional design

from around the world. In 2001, published Universe for Rent, an 850-page

extensive research of Japanese living environments. He continues to explore both

Japan and abroad for newer and stranger sights to document. Starting January

2012, he is self-publishing a weekly e-mail magazine “ROADSIDERS’ weekly”

every Wednesday morning (http://www.roadsiders.com)。


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開催場所: MITSUME ミツメ

住所: 東京都江東区常盤1-15-1

開催日程: 7月14日(日)12:00~20:00 ・15日(月祝)13:00~19:00

入場料: 無料

