<お知らせ / Notice>



Dear ladies and gentleman,

This pavilion installation, a replica of the Nobody Stand that has for many years been an active touring booth at various international book fairs and was originally intended to be reconstructed to look like the photograph here on this table. 


The entire installation has been lost on route to the TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR 2019  by the Swedish Post Service, so sadly the Nobody Pavilion has also turned into the Nobody and Nothing Pavilion and its concept has been changed by circumstance. 


So it is regret to inform you what you are seeing is only a skeleton of The Pavilion with all its content absent. There is a chance, that it may turn up during the Art Book Fair. So pop by again in case this naked stand becomes fully dressed.


Stephen Gill 


(Examples of the missing books can be viewed at the Nobody Booth I-CO2)


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Nobody Booksは、長きにわたり世界各国のアートブックフェアに積極的に参加してきました。「Nobody Pavilion」展では、Nobody Booksブースのレプリカをインスタレーションとして展開する予定でした。


しかしながら、インスタレーションのために用意したすべての作品は、スウェーデン郵便局によって紛失された可能性があり、コンセプトを急遽変更いたします。悲しいですが、本展は Nothing(何もない)、Nobody(誰もいない)パビリオンとなりました。


大変申し訳ありませんが、現在、みなさまがご覧いただいているのは、スケルトンの状態のNobody Pavilionになります。フェア会期中に荷物が発見される可能性は残されています。裸の状態にあるこのパビリオンが、完成された衣装を身に纏うかもしれませんので、こちらにまた戻って来てください。




紛失した本の一部は、International Section内のNobody Booksブース(I-C02)にてご覧いただけます。


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Stephen Gill founded his publishing imprint Nobody Books in 2005, spearheading the arrival of the self-publishing boom. The overriding intention behind this decision was to exercise maximum control over the publication process of his books. The resulting works created under such uncompromised circumstances, printed in their optimal form as unique limited-edition photobooks, have garnered attention throughout the world. His works have materialized in various shapes and forms via the methods of playing with varying cover designs for the same content, burying books underground, riding over the cover of the books on a bike with inks on its wheels, and more. It goes without saying that the flexible ideas behind his bookmaking process has greatly impacted the publishing industry over the years.

Gill also takes part in the distribution and sales aspect of the completed photobooks. Traveling to art book fairs all over the world with his heavy suitcase filled with numerous books, he has presented works at his attention-grabbing booth exuding his DIY spirit.

This exhibition, named after Gill’s half-joking comment “Let’s name it Nobody Pavillion!”, features the Nobody Books booth realized in the form of an installation piece. It is a rare opportunity to come across photobooks Nobody Books as released up to the present, including out-of-print volumes.


*A number of volumes from the exhibition will be on sale at the Nobody Books booth (I-C02), INTERNATIONAL SECTION.

*Stephen Gill will not be present during the Fair.


Special Thanks: Mikiko Kikuta and IMA 


Stephen Gill

Born in 1971, Bristol, United Kingdom. Starting with A Series of Disappointments,Hackney Flowers, HACKNEY KISSES,and more, Gill has released numerous works set in an earlier base of his activities, Hackney, a district in East London. On top of the experimental ideas born from his unceasing search for an unforeseen image, the thorough attitude he takes to sublimate those ideas into practice has earned him acclaim as a photographer. He moved to Sweden in 2014 and recently published photobooks under the theme, nature, Night Processionand The Pillar.